Free Notice of Appeal Form
(too old to reply)
2004-05-29 17:25:36 UTC
Copy the free form from this screen

Appellant, In Propria Persona


(CAPTION OF YOUR CASE; Edit to make it look similar to documents filed in
your case)

_____________________________________) No. (CASE NUMBER OF CASE
_____________________________________) IN WHICH JUDGMENT TO BE
_____________________________________) APPEALED WAS ENTERED)
_____________________________________) NOTICE OF APPEAL

NOTICE IS GIVEN that (YOUR NAME) hereby Appeals from the

(Judgment/Decree/Decision, etc.) entered herein on (DATE JUDGMENT


WHO SIGNED JUDGMENT) in the above-captioned action.


Appellant, In Propria Persona

Original filed with the
Clerk of this Court, along
with any fees required by the clerk,
and copies mailed/delivered on
this date (DATE OF FILING/MAILING) to:




1. NEVER assume that a universal document is correct for your state and
court; try to determine BEFORE YOU FILE if the above form will be acceptable
to the Clerk of your court. It is believed by NOLAWYER to contain the
minimum basic elements for the filing of a notice of appeal anywhere, but no
guarantees of format, sufficiency or acceptability are made.

2. Find out IMMEDIATELY how many days you have from the date of signing of
your Judgment/Decree or other FINAL order to file a Notice of Appeal. In
some courts and in some kinds of cases, it can be 10, 20 or 30 days. IF YOU

3. Check with the Clerk of Court as to where the Notice of Appeal and
subsequent papers are to be filed. In most instances, the initial Notice of
Appeal is filed in the Court that issued the Judgment or Decree that you are
appealing, not in the higher appeals court. Later papers may go to the
higher court, depending upon procedures in your state. Ask the Clerk to be

4. The Clerk may, instead of accepting this form, require that you use the
Clerk's own provided form. Go with the flow. Fill out theirs, if that's what
they want. What's important is to FILE A TIMELY NOTICE OF APPEAL TO STOP THE

4. You may be required, depending on your state and court rules, to pay
various fees or bonds along with the Notice of Appeal. The Clerk should be
able to tell you what these are. There may be a simple Appeal Filing Fee. If
the judgment you are appealing requires you to pay a sum of money, the
filing of the Notice of Appeal alone may not stop the other party's right to
collect. A "supersedeas bond" in the amount of the judgment or larger may be
required to be posted in order to stop collection or execution ofthe
judgment while it is on appeal.

5. To carry through your appeal, be prepared to arrange and pay for, if
necessary, the preparation of a complete Court Reporter's Transcript of what
was said at your trial, if any, and possibly to pay for the Clerk's
photocopy costs required to send the Appeals Court a copy of the file (the
papers filed by both sides plus notations or memoranda placed into the file
by the Court itself. You may be required to obtain a "docket" or listing of
the papers already in your court file, originals or copies of which will be
sent up to the higher court. In some instances, you may save a portion of
the clerk's photocopying expense by giving the clerk a clearly prepared list
of only those docket papers which you wish to have the court of appeals
refer to. Safest is to let all the court's docketed papers be transmitted to
the higher court.

6. EITHER you will be sent a "briefing schedule" telling when your "Opening
Brief" will be due, or your state may have a fixed number of days (usually
more than 30) AFTER the Notice of Appeal is filed, in which you must prepare
and file your Opening Brief. Beware! Failure to pay fees or to timely file
the Opening Brief may result in permanent dismissal of your Appeal.
Sometimes a written motion for extension of time will succeed in delaying

If you need assistance in researching and preparing your Appeal Briefs, you
may wish to hire an experienced document preparer such as

011 52 638 382 0214 (Mexico)
email: ***@nolawyer.com
Web Page: http://www.nolawyer.com

Lawyer-quality document preparation at NOLAWYER prices.

Checks, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express are accepted
Copies of the foregoing form, "NOTICE OF APPEAL" may be obtained in paper
form by emailing or phoning NOLAWYER. You may request from
***@nolawyer.com that the file NAPPL.EXE be sent to you as an email
file attachment. The file downloaded to your computer will be found in your
browser or download directory. It may be moved to another convenient
directory, and the command NAPPL typed. The file will unzip itself into
several word-processor version files, including:

NAPPMSW5.DOC Microsft Word for Dos version 5.0 and higher
NAPPMSW6.DOC Microsoft Word for Windows 2.1-6.1
NAPPMSWW. Microsoft Windows Write 3.x
NAPPWP4. Word Perfect for DOS 4.0 and higher
NAPPWP5. Word Perfect for DOS 5.0 and higher
NAPPWP6. Word Perfect for Windows 6.0 and higher
NAPPAMI. Ami Pro 1.x-3.1
NAPPWS33. Wordstar 3.3 and higher
NAPPWS70. Wordstar 7.0
NAPPWSFW. Wordstar for Windows
NAPPMCII. MacWrite II, 1.0-1.1 (extract file on IBM compat)
NAPPMCWR. MacWrite 4.5-5.0 (extract file on IBM compat)
NAPPASC.TXT Ascii Text readable by almost any word processor

You may edit the form with your word processor, or, because it is so simple,
you may simply reproduce the form with a typewriter, filling in the
appropriate information. Make extra copies to present to the clerk for
stamping and/or for delivery or mailing to the Judge and the other parties
to the appealed action.



HOW2, PO Box 696, Lukeville AZ 85341-0696
(Voice 011 52 638 382 0214)
The Truth About Bob Hirschfeld
2004-05-30 14:38:52 UTC
Post by TrashBBRT
Get advice from a lawyer, NOT from a disbarred spammer hiding in

His email address- The only truth you'll ever get from Bob Hirschfeld.

Here's the rest of the truth about this spamming piglet:
2004-05-30 21:28:23 UTC
Copy the free form from this screen

Appellant, In Propria Persona


(CAPTION OF YOUR CASE; Edit to make it look similar to documents filed in
your case)

_____________________________________) No. (CASE NUMBER OF CASE
_____________________________________) IN WHICH JUDGMENT TO BE
_____________________________________) APPEALED WAS ENTERED)
_____________________________________) NOTICE OF APPEAL

NOTICE IS GIVEN that (YOUR NAME) hereby Appeals from the

(Judgment/Decree/Decision, etc.) entered herein on (DATE JUDGMENT


WHO SIGNED JUDGMENT) in the above-captioned action.


Appellant, In Propria Persona

Original filed with the
Clerk of this Court, along
with any fees required by the clerk,
and copies mailed/delivered on
this date (DATE OF FILING/MAILING) to:




1. NEVER assume that a universal document is correct for your state and
court; try to determine BEFORE YOU FILE if the above form will be acceptable
to the Clerk of your court. It is believed by NOLAWYER to contain the
minimum basic elements for the filing of a notice of appeal anywhere, but no
guarantees of format, sufficiency or acceptability are made.

2. Find out IMMEDIATELY how many days you have from the date of signing of
your Judgment/Decree or other FINAL order to file a Notice of Appeal. In
some courts and in some kinds of cases, it can be 10, 20 or 30 days. IF YOU

3. Check with the Clerk of Court as to where the Notice of Appeal and
subsequent papers are to be filed. In most instances, the initial Notice of
Appeal is filed in the Court that issued the Judgment or Decree that you are
appealing, not in the higher appeals court. Later papers may go to the
higher court, depending upon procedures in your state. Ask the Clerk to be

4. The Clerk may, instead of accepting this form, require that you use the
Clerk's own provided form. Go with the flow. Fill out theirs, if that's what
they want. What's important is to FILE A TIMELY NOTICE OF APPEAL TO STOP THE

4. You may be required, depending on your state and court rules, to pay
various fees or bonds along with the Notice of Appeal. The Clerk should be
able to tell you what these are. There may be a simple Appeal Filing Fee. If
the judgment you are appealing requires you to pay a sum of money, the
filing of the Notice of Appeal alone may not stop the other party's right to
collect. A "supersedeas bond" in the amount of the judgment or larger may be
required to be posted in order to stop collection or execution ofthe
judgment while it is on appeal.

5. To carry through your appeal, be prepared to arrange and pay for, if
necessary, the preparation of a complete Court Reporter's Transcript of what
was said at your trial, if any, and possibly to pay for the Clerk's
photocopy costs required to send the Appeals Court a copy of the file (the
papers filed by both sides plus notations or memoranda placed into the file
by the Court itself. You may be required to obtain a "docket" or listing of
the papers already in your court file, originals or copies of which will be
sent up to the higher court. In some instances, you may save a portion of
the clerk's photocopying expense by giving the clerk a clearly prepared list
of only those docket papers which you wish to have the court of appeals
refer to. Safest is to let all the court's docketed papers be transmitted to
the higher court.

6. EITHER you will be sent a "briefing schedule" telling when your "Opening
Brief" will be due, or your state may have a fixed number of days (usually
more than 30) AFTER the Notice of Appeal is filed, in which you must prepare
and file your Opening Brief. Beware! Failure to pay fees or to timely file
the Opening Brief may result in permanent dismissal of your Appeal.
Sometimes a written motion for extension of time will succeed in delaying

If you need assistance in researching and preparing your Appeal Briefs, you
may wish to hire an experienced document preparer such as

011 52 638 382 0214 (Mexico)
email: ***@nolawyer.com
Web Page: http://www.nolawyer.com

Lawyer-quality document preparation at NOLAWYER prices.

Checks, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express are accepted
Copies of the foregoing form, "NOTICE OF APPEAL" may be obtained in paper
form by emailing or phoning NOLAWYER. You may request from
***@nolawyer.com that the file NAPPL.EXE be sent to you as an email
file attachment. The file downloaded to your computer will be found in your
browser or download directory. It may be moved to another convenient
directory, and the command NAPPL typed. The file will unzip itself into
several word-processor version files, including:

NAPPMSW5.DOC Microsft Word for Dos version 5.0 and higher
NAPPMSW6.DOC Microsoft Word for Windows 2.1-6.1
NAPPMSWW. Microsoft Windows Write 3.x
NAPPWP4. Word Perfect for DOS 4.0 and higher
NAPPWP5. Word Perfect for DOS 5.0 and higher
NAPPWP6. Word Perfect for Windows 6.0 and higher
NAPPAMI. Ami Pro 1.x-3.1
NAPPWS33. Wordstar 3.3 and higher
NAPPWS70. Wordstar 7.0
NAPPWSFW. Wordstar for Windows
NAPPMCII. MacWrite II, 1.0-1.1 (extract file on IBM compat)
NAPPMCWR. MacWrite 4.5-5.0 (extract file on IBM compat)
NAPPASC.TXT Ascii Text readable by almost any word processor

You may edit the form with your word processor, or, because it is so simple,
you may simply reproduce the form with a typewriter, filling in the
appropriate information. Make extra copies to present to the clerk for
stamping and/or for delivery or mailing to the Judge and the other parties
to the appealed action.



HOW2, PO Box 696, Lukeville AZ 85341-0696
(Voice 011 52 638 382 0214)
Hirschfeld Sux
2004-05-30 21:37:55 UTC
Post by TrashBBRT
lawyers- or, in the case of Bob Hirschfeld- people who are not lawyers
at all- ruin your chances! Consult a competent attorney for all your
legal issues.

How do you find a competent attorney? Step one- make sure they're not
disbarred for fraud, incompetence, lying, cheating, and stealing like
Bob Hirschfeld!

Remember. Bob's not a lawyer. He's a spammer. Big difference.
2004-05-31 00:20:38 UTC
"Hirschfeld Sux" <***@yahoo.gov> wrote in message
(libel deleted)

Folks, you can follow a hidden, dishonest troll, or you can look at real
accomplishments in helping fathers in Domestic Relations, by Bob Hirschfeld,
JD, whose ten years in Fathers Rights practice saved an estimated 1000
father-child relationships.

See http://www.nolawyer.com
2004-05-31 03:58:27 UTC
(truth deleted)
Folks, you can follow a hidden, dishonest troll, or you can look at real
accomplishments in helping fathers in Domestic Relations, by Bob Hirschfeld,
Here are Bob's "real accomplishments."

Someone ostracized from the legal system?
Someone who steals from his clients?
Someone who cheats his clients?
Someone who leaves his clients when they need him the most?
Someone whose license to practice law was taken away?
A spammer.

Remember. Bob's not a lawyer. He's a spammer. Big difference.
2004-06-01 04:58:24 UTC
Anyone who has information on thed true identity, location, and executable
assets of
the dishonest troll "Hirschfeld_Sux" should pass such information along to
(Bob Hirschfeld, see various communication means at http://www.nolawyer.com)
so that the "Sux" pseudonymed troll may be personally served with my tort
against him.

Bob Hirschfeld, JD
2004-06-03 17:46:57 UTC
"hirschfeld_sux" <***@yahoo.gov> wrote in message
(defamatory message deleted)
Post by Hirschfeld Sux
The second "Sux Site" listed above was shut down today within minutes of
notification/complaint to tripod, and less than a day after it was initially
set up.

The first "Sux Site" http://www.geocities.com/hirschfeld_sux/ was shut down
two days earlier by same means.

Anyone who can identify "hirschfeld_sux" for purposes of legal prosecution
of said troll is invited to send such identification to me.

Bob Hirschfeld, JD
PO Box 696, Lukeville, AZ 85341

I provide genuine help in pro-se litigation, appeal brief writing, strategy.
Hirschfeld Feels The Pressue
2004-06-03 17:58:12 UTC
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
(defamatory message deleted)
[Truthful message reinstated]
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
I can't wait until you PERSONALLY serve me, Bobby. And when I show
them I got my facts DIRECT from the Arizona Supreme Court.
And you lose in court.
Now, if you promise to stop spamming like a good boy, I'll stop
pointing out to everyone what a sleazeball you really are. Otherwise,
I'll continue to spread the word.
"We wish to be clear about why he is being disbarred. It is because he
has lied to judges, cheated and abandoned clients, and acted in
despicable ways toward his opponents. Respondent has manifested an
unabashed willingness to violate court rules, ethical precepts, and
even common decency in pursuit of his perceived goals."
Make up your mind how you want it, tubby.
Whatsamatter, tubby? Can't make up your mind?
Bob Hirschfeld, JD
2004-06-04 00:16:53 UTC
I can't wait until you PERSONALLY serve me, Bobby.
Anyone wishing to
assist me in locating and serving a separate defamation tort suit upon the
person hiding as "Hirschfeld_Sux", may send such identification
to me at:

Robert Hirschfeld, PO Box 696, Lukeville AZ 85341
Tel (MX) 011 52 638 382 0214
You Know Who
2004-06-04 01:11:57 UTC
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
I can't wait until you PERSONALLY serve me, Bobby.
Anyone wishing to
assist me in making fun of this ignorant fat Mexican spammer, feel
free to copy the website I've made here
and post it everywhere you can think of.
Bob Hirschfeld, JD
2004-06-04 08:18:52 UTC
Troll "Hirschfeld_Sux" is hiding. From his location, he expects readers to
simply take his lies at face value. He claims that truth is established by
the judicial branch of our government. Yet he quakes in fear of
being brought before a Court by me, to test whether his public
defamations constitute libel.

I earnestly request that anyone knowing or suspecting who the
non-credible "Hirschfeld_Sux" is, communicate to me such
information. Let's test "Sux" in Court. Let's punish him for
spreading his venomous lies.


Robert A. Hirschfeld, JD
PO Box 696, Lukeville AZ 85341
MX Tel. 011 52 638 382 0214
Hirschfeld Sucks
2004-06-04 11:44:14 UTC
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
Troll "Hirschfeld_Sux" is
Laughing his ass off at you, you corpulent ex-attorney turned Mexican

Bob Hirschfeld, JD
2004-06-04 14:52:50 UTC
"Hirschfeld Sucks" <***@yahoo.gov> wrote in message news:***@news.teranews.com...

Yesterday, almost every one of "Sux" posts included death/suicide threats.
Thus far today, such threats seem to be missing. Must be something
I said in one of my responses. But the jeopardy of a criminal indictment
may have affected the "Sux" campaign. "Sux" criminal posts are preserved.

Bob Hirschfeld, JD
PO Box 696, Lukeville AZ 85341
MX Tel 011 52 638 382 0214
Hirschfeld Sucks
2004-06-04 16:09:04 UTC
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
Yesterday, almost every one of "Sux" posts included death/suicide threats.

What the hell is a "suicide threat?" LOL
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
Thus far today, such threats seem to be missing. Must be something
I said in one of my responses.
Go kill yourself, you miserable wretch. The world would be a far
better place if you were swinging from your attic rafters.
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
But the jeopardy of a criminal indictment
may have affected the "Sux" campaign. "Sux" criminal posts are preserved.
Go here, in case you need help with the rope.
Bob Hirschfeld, JD
2004-06-04 17:33:36 UTC
Post by Hirschfeld Sucks
In alt.dads-rights.unmoderated "Bob Hirschfeld, JD"
Yesterday, almost every one of "Sux" posts included death/suicide threats.
What the hell is a "suicide threat?" LOL
You will be surprised to learn that pressuring someone to commit suicide
is actionable tort. Case law to be supplied after you bare served and
the initial portion of your case is presented by me. Your further criminal
vituperation, quoted below, is yet another element upon which you
shall be prosecuted.

--Bob Hirschfeld, JD
PO Box 696, Lukeville AZ 85341
Tel MX 011 52 638 382 0214
Post by Hirschfeld Sucks
Thus far today, such threats seem to be missing. Must be something
I said in one of my responses.
Go kill yourself, you miserable wretch. The world would be a far
better place if you were swinging from your attic rafters.
But the jeopardy of a criminal indictment
may have affected the "Sux" campaign. "Sux" criminal posts are preserved.
Go here, in case you need help with the rope.
2004-05-31 12:02:14 UTC
Post by TrashBBRT
(libel deleted)
Folks, you can follow a hidden, dishonest troll, or you can look at real
accomplishments in helping fathers in Domestic Relations, by Bob Hirschfeld,
JD, whose ten years in Fathers Rights practice saved an estimated 1000
father-child relationships.
Bob they can see a singularly DISHONEST TROLL................ YOU!!! A
parasite on the movement who has led hundreds of men to LOSSES so you can
feed yourself instead of encouraging the men to seek GOOD HONEST LICENSED
lawyers! A man SINGULARLY responsible for allowing his ego to DESTROY any
hope of unity in the movement. Go back to your NCM group of 20 people who
all elect themselves to a lofty title and do NOTHING!

Bob you wanted IN on the spat on the net. NOW you are FAIR game. Remember I
know where your skeletons are buried. Not just your COWARDLY run to Mexico
to escape from your former client who would beat you to a bloody pulp if you
weren't in hiding!

Folks find somebody HONEST and don't get into a lopsided battle without a
REAL lawyer!

Bobby, I remember you BRAGGING on how you WON a false allegation case for a
dad. You showed off the ORDER all over showing how YOU (not I) was the REAL
expert on false allegations. (Your ONLY claim to fame in that arena) I also
remember that you had to LIE to get that order. The LIE was claiming to have
served the other side and you DID NOT so you could win EX-PARTE. Remember
Bobby? That was ONE of dozens of examples where you LIED your ass off to the
courts. And you put on a FAKE expert to boot. Have you EVER admitted to
anyone that the order was revoked????? NO you to THIS DAY continue to
represent it as your BIG WIN! You continue to LIE to people!

How convenient for you Bobby that as a Jew (who isn't religious) that you
don't believe in a hell, or ANY punishment for your actions! You never have
to look at yourself. And Bobby I STILL remember that tearful 3 AM call from
you when your kids ran away.... AT least THEN you had SOME conscience.

For the life of me I can't understand why anyone would trust a lawyer who
has the PROVEN track record for DISHONESTY that you have had proven before
the Arizona Supreme Court and the fact that you have to HIDE in Mexico
speaks volumes about YOU! Want to take some more shots at me Bobby?

No - - Bobby - - I would NOT be surprised to know who that was. I had hoped
you'd finally get over yourself.
Just ONE SHOT at you Bobby.
2004-06-01 04:52:20 UTC
Folks, if you would like to learn the truth about Kenneth R. Pangborn,
without his being able to
intercept and fill the public newsgroups with his usual venomous lies, and
ad hominem attacks,
communicate with me directly, via any of the means displayed at
http://www.nolawyer.com .

As to Pangborn, I knew that pathetic poseur longer than most, and still
recall what initially turned
me off.... his tale about an armageddon in an abandoned missile silo
hopeless fathers (including Pangborn himself) and their abducted children.

Pangborn and his assorted multiple personalities have apparently become
by their large anonymous following of enemies, and have evidently decided to
keeping their distance from me, an isolation I have enjoyed lo these 25
You Know Who
2004-06-01 18:25:03 UTC
Post by TrashBBRT
Folks, if you would like to learn the truth about
Is this the kind of guy you want legal advice from? Hell, I wouldn't
even want him cleaning my pool.

Remember. Bob's not a lawyer. He's a spammer. Big difference.
Post by TrashBBRT
Editor -- Child Support News
2004-06-01 23:13:50 UTC
Please take this thread the hell out of alt.child-support girls.
Post by You Know Who
Post by TrashBBRT
Folks, if you would like to learn the truth about
Is this the kind of guy you want legal advice from? Hell, I wouldn't
even want him cleaning my pool.
Remember. Bob's not a lawyer. He's a spammer. Big difference.
Post by TrashBBRT
2004-06-01 23:18:19 UTC
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
Please take this thread the hell out of alt.child-support girls.
Please take your "child-support" hell out of the lives of men.

When did we divide into sides?

"As president, I will put American government and our legal system back
on the side of women." John Kerry, misandrist Democratic candidate for
President. http://www.johnkerry.com/issues/women/

[Bob does not advocate any illegal, seditious, or immoral acts. All
posts are for discussion, rhetorical, or humorous purposes only.]
2004-06-02 02:20:48 UTC
Post by Bob
Please take your "child-support" hell out of the lives of men.
I agree. Take all illegitimate "child support" orders/judgments up on

Bob Hirschfeld, JD
2004-06-02 03:39:07 UTC
Post by TrashBBRT
Post by Bob
Please take your "child-support" hell out of the lives of men.
I agree. Take all illegitimate "child support" orders/judgments up on
Here's the only kind of "appeal" most black robed child stealing bigots
can understand:

When did we divide into sides?

"As president, I will put American government and our legal system back
on the side of women." John Kerry, misandrist Democratic candidate for
President. http://www.johnkerry.com/issues/women/

[Bob does not advocate any illegal, seditious, or immoral acts. All
posts are for discussion, rhetorical, or humorous purposes only.]
Editor -- Child Support News
2004-06-02 02:59:08 UTC
Obviously you haven't looked at my site, you twit...

My site is ANTI-child support enforcement.
Post by Bob
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
Please take this thread the hell out of alt.child-support girls.
Please take your "child-support" hell out of the lives of men.
When did we divide into sides?
"As president, I will put American government and our legal system back
on the side of women." John Kerry, misandrist Democratic candidate for
President. http://www.johnkerry.com/issues/women/
[Bob does not advocate any illegal, seditious, or immoral acts. All
posts are for discussion, rhetorical, or humorous purposes only.]
Paul Fritz
2004-06-02 11:06:49 UTC
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
Obviously you haven't looked at my site, you twit...
My site is ANTI-child support enforcement.
You are witnessing why the father's rights movement will never get off
first base (if it has even made it that far) It always devolves into
personal agendas and infighting like you are seeing here. I have yet to see
a group yet that hasn't suffered a similar fatal flaw.
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
Post by Bob
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
Please take this thread the hell out of alt.child-support girls.
Please take your "child-support" hell out of the lives of men.
When did we divide into sides?
"As president, I will put American government and our legal system back
on the side of women." John Kerry, misandrist Democratic candidate for
President. http://www.johnkerry.com/issues/women/
[Bob does not advocate any illegal, seditious, or immoral acts. All
posts are for discussion, rhetorical, or humorous purposes only.]
Editor -- Child Support News
2004-06-02 11:20:42 UTC
The fighting between Pangborn and Hirschfeld have been going on throughout
USENET for quite a while.

It's rather boring and I had hoped not to still this crap after YEARS!
Post by Paul Fritz
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
Obviously you haven't looked at my site, you twit...
My site is ANTI-child support enforcement.
You are witnessing why the father's rights movement will never get off
first base (if it has even made it that far) It always devolves into
personal agendas and infighting like you are seeing here. I have yet to see
a group yet that hasn't suffered a similar fatal flaw.
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
Post by Bob
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
Please take this thread the hell out of alt.child-support girls.
Please take your "child-support" hell out of the lives of men.
When did we divide into sides?
"As president, I will put American government and our legal system
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
Post by Bob
on the side of women." John Kerry, misandrist Democratic candidate
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
Post by Bob
President. http://www.johnkerry.com/issues/women/
[Bob does not advocate any illegal, seditious, or immoral acts. All
posts are for discussion, rhetorical, or humorous purposes only.]
Paul Fritz
2004-06-02 11:31:17 UTC
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
The fighting between Pangborn and Hirschfeld have been going on throughout
USENET for quite a while.
Oh, I know, even met Hirchfield at NCFC meeting years ago, and it just
reinforces my point about fathers rights groups....and why I haven't
contributed anything (time or money) to them in years.
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
It's rather boring and I had hoped not to still this crap after YEARS!
Post by Paul Fritz
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
Obviously you haven't looked at my site, you twit...
My site is ANTI-child support enforcement.
You are witnessing why the father's rights movement will never get off
first base (if it has even made it that far) It always devolves into
personal agendas and infighting like you are seeing here. I have yet
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
Post by Paul Fritz
a group yet that hasn't suffered a similar fatal flaw.
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
Post by Bob
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
Please take this thread the hell out of alt.child-support girls.
Please take your "child-support" hell out of the lives of men.
When did we divide into sides?
"As president, I will put American government and our legal system
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
Post by Bob
on the side of women." John Kerry, misandrist Democratic candidate
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
Post by Bob
President. http://www.johnkerry.com/issues/women/
[Bob does not advocate any illegal, seditious, or immoral acts.
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
Post by Paul Fritz
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
Post by Bob
posts are for discussion, rhetorical, or humorous purposes only.]
2004-06-02 13:56:03 UTC
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
The fighting between Pangborn and Hirschfeld have been going on throughout
USENET for quite a while.

Oh BULLSHIT. This past week is the first time either of us has spoken about
the other, MORON! Both Bob and I have had our personal FAN club stalkers. In
Bob's case he EARNED his.
2004-06-02 16:22:31 UTC
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
The fighting between Pangborn and Hirschfeld have been going on throughout
USENET for quite a while.
Oh BULLSHIT. This past week is the first time either of us has spoken about
the other, MORON! Both Bob and I have had our personal FAN club stalkers. In
Bob's case he EARNED his.
Idiots like "krp" keep feminists in power.

When did we divide into sides?

"As president, I will put American government and our legal system back
on the side of women." John Kerry, misandrist Democratic candidate for
President. http://www.johnkerry.com/issues/women/

[Bob does not advocate any illegal, seditious, or immoral acts. All
posts are for discussion, rhetorical, or humorous purposes only.]
2004-06-02 20:00:38 UTC
Post by Bob
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
The fighting between Pangborn and Hirschfeld have been going on throughout
USENET for quite a while.
Oh BULLSHIT. This past week is the first time either of us has spoken about
the other, MORON! Both Bob and I have had our personal FAN club stalkers. In
Bob's case he EARNED his.
Idiots like "krp" keep feminists in power.
Hardly. Because I think Hirschfeld is a bad guy? GET REAL.
Editor -- Child Support News
2004-06-02 18:35:36 UTC

Your reputation relating to dad's rights ain't the greatest...see http://www.aboutkenpangborn.com/ .

You are the same "Ken Pangborn" referenced on this guy's site, right?

Here's a quote:

Ken has a history of harassing other people, and is well known for his penchant for starting flamewars, even ranging back to the days of FidoNET. Anyone who has a difference of opinion with Ken runs the risk of being attacked. This can take on many forms, ranging from a few words of profanity and vulgarity to libelous, defamatory lies being posted on the internet. In extreme cases, Ken may resort to offline harassment of yourself, family members, friends, and employers.

I asked you nicely to keep this out of alt.child-support...why not respect my request?
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
The fighting between Pangborn and Hirschfeld have been going on throughout
USENET for quite a while.
Oh BULLSHIT. This past week is the first time either of us has spoken about
the other, MORON! Both Bob and I have had our personal FAN club stalkers. In
Bob's case he EARNED his.
2004-06-02 19:46:46 UTC
Don't believe everything you read on the net. I could just as easily create a website offshore that said the '***@childsupportnews.com was a child molestor, and there would not be a thing you could do about it.

I don't agree with everything Ken has done on, nor the way he acts but that particular website is a bunch of fiction......hell it even claims "I" am Ken....which should have given you a clue about its validity.

BTW this is an unmoderated NG, so asking someone to say out of it is just as wrong as spamming it.
"Editor -- Child Support News" <***@childsupportnews.com> wrote in message news:***@corp.supernews.com...

Your reputation relating to dad's rights ain't the greatest...see http://www.aboutkenpangborn.com/ .

You are the same "Ken Pangborn" referenced on this guy's site, right?

Here's a quote:

Ken has a history of harassing other people, and is well known for his penchant for starting flamewars, even ranging back to the days of FidoNET. Anyone who has a difference of opinion with Ken runs the risk of being attacked. This can take on many forms, ranging from a few words of profanity and vulgarity to libelous, defamatory lies being posted on the internet. In extreme cases, Ken may resort to offline harassment of yourself, family members, friends, and employers.

I asked you nicely to keep this out of alt.child-support...why not respect my request?
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
The fighting between Pangborn and Hirschfeld have been going on throughout
USENET for quite a while.
Oh BULLSHIT. This past week is the first time either of us has spoken about
the other, MORON! Both Bob and I have had our personal FAN club stalkers. In
Bob's case he EARNED his.
Editor -- Child Support News
2004-06-02 19:55:59 UTC
I'm aware this is an unmoderated group...by whining about these two guys is certainly off-topic, wouldn't you agree?

"P.Fritz" <***@voyager.net> wrote in message news:***@corp.supernews.com...
Don't believe everything you read on the net. I could just as easily create a website offshore that said the '***@childsupportnews.com was a child molestor, and there would not be a thing you could do about it.

I don't agree with everything Ken has done on, nor the way he acts but that particular website is a bunch of fiction......hell it even claims "I" am Ken....which should have given you a clue about its validity.

BTW this is an unmoderated NG, so asking someone to say out of it is just as wrong as spamming it.
2004-06-02 20:12:16 UTC
I agree that the whining is rude and childish, but playing netcop is just about as annoying. We are adults here (well exxcept for the onslaught of trolls that always happens as school lets out) and are capable of filtering out unwanted posts on our own.
"Editor -- Child Support News" <***@childsupportnews.com> wrote in message news:***@corp.supernews.com...
I'm aware this is an unmoderated group...by whining about these two guys is certainly off-topic, wouldn't you agree?

"P.Fritz" <***@voyager.net> wrote in message news:***@corp.supernews.com...
Don't believe everything you read on the net. I could just as easily create a website offshore that said the '***@childsupportnews.com was a child molestor, and there would not be a thing you could do about it.

I don't agree with everything Ken has done on, nor the way he acts but that particular website is a bunch of fiction......hell it even claims "I" am Ken....which should have given you a clue about its validity.

BTW this is an unmoderated NG, so asking someone to say out of it is just as wrong as spamming it.
2004-06-02 20:17:41 UTC
"P.Fritz" <***@voyager.net> wrote in message news:***@corp.supernews.com...
I agree that the whining is rude and childish, but playing netcop is just about as annoying. We are adults here (well exxcept for the onslaught of trolls that always happens as school lets out) and are capable of filtering out unwanted posts on our own.

Note he does NOT admit the possibility that the website is a contrivance.
2004-06-02 20:15:20 UTC
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
I'm aware this is an unmoderated group...by whining about these two guys is
certainly off-topic, wouldn't you agree?

Son, the war between myself and DAVID MOORE has been going on for SEVEN
YEARS. This newsgroup was trashed almost from the start by the guy. Don't
let facts bother you though. The thing with Hirschfeld is another matter. We
have had bad blood for several decades, mostly because of Bob's actions.
This is the first time I have taken him on on the net.
Editor -- Child Support News
2004-06-02 20:41:26 UTC
First of all, you're not father, so don't call me "son". I don't like it.

Second of all, I haven't been in this newsgroup for SEVEN years and Mr.
Moore doesn't seem to be present, you are.
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
I'm aware this is an unmoderated group...by whining about these two guys is
certainly off-topic, wouldn't you agree?
Son, the war between myself and DAVID MOORE has been going on for SEVEN
YEARS. This newsgroup was trashed almost from the start by the guy. Don't
let facts bother you though. The thing with Hirschfeld is another matter. We
have had bad blood for several decades, mostly because of Bob's actions.
This is the first time I have taken him on on the net.
2004-06-02 21:18:12 UTC
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
First of all, you're not father, so don't call me "son". I don't like it.
Second of all, I haven't been in this newsgroup for SEVEN years and Mr.
Moore doesn't seem to be present, you are.

He is you can't pick him out from all his names such as "FREEDOM" Or a long
dead French poet.
2004-06-02 21:22:33 UTC
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
First of all, you're not father, so don't call me "son". I don't like it.
Second of all, I haven't been in this newsgroup for SEVEN years and Mr.
Moore doesn't seem to be present, you are.
Note that you are cross posting to more than one NG
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
I'm aware this is an unmoderated group...by whining about these two
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
certainly off-topic, wouldn't you agree?
Son, the war between myself and DAVID MOORE has been going on for SEVEN
YEARS. This newsgroup was trashed almost from the start by the guy. Don't
let facts bother you though. The thing with Hirschfeld is another
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
have had bad blood for several decades, mostly because of Bob's actions.
This is the first time I have taken him on on the net.
Editor -- Child Support News
2004-06-02 21:58:49 UTC
Thanks, Paul. I tried taking alt.child-support out, but someone put it back
in. I'm aware of how crossposting works.
Post by P.Fritz
Note that you are cross posting to more than one NG
Paul Fritz
2004-06-03 11:29:33 UTC
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
Thanks, Paul. I tried taking alt.child-support out, but someone put it back
in. I'm aware of how crossposting works.
Unfortunately that is a habit of many of the flame warriors in those other
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
Post by P.Fritz
Note that you are cross posting to more than one NG
2004-06-03 13:42:21 UTC
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
First of all, you're not father, so don't call me "son". I don't like it.
Second of all, I haven't been in this newsgroup for SEVEN years and Mr.
Moore doesn't seem to be present, you are.
I am present on occasion, usually to answer Pangborn's lies here and there
and to caution people about him, and urge them to read
http://www.aboutkenpangborn.com. However, for the most part, I'm not very
active on usenet.

However, that doesn't deter Ken's obsession of me. Recently, I was
completely gone from usenet for four months. During that time, Ken
continued to mention me on a daily basis, devoting nearly 70% of his
posting to me.

2004-06-03 14:40:38 UTC
Post by freedom
I am present on occasion, usually to answer Pangborn's lies here and there
and to caution people about him, and urge them to read
http://www.aboutkenpangborn.com. However, for the most part, I'm not very
active on usenet.
Under which ID Moore? The LONG DEAD French Poet? Captain Freedom?
Liberty45? Which name Davey?
Post by freedom
However, that doesn't deter Ken's obsession of me. Recently, I was
completely gone from usenet for four months. During that time, Ken
continued to mention me on a daily basis, devoting nearly 70% of his
posting to me.
No Davey, you were only gone as CAPTAIN FREEDOM..... You have NEVER LEFT!
And you will NEVER leave!
Isn't it amazing how you WHINE about me attacking you.......... And yet, *I*
am 100% of what YOU post about.
2004-06-02 20:12:52 UTC
"P.Fritz" <***@voyager.net> wrote in message news:***@corp.supernews.com...
Don't believe everything you read on the net. I could just as easily create a website offshore that said the '***@childsupportnews.com was a child molestor, and there would not be a thing you could do about it.

I don't agree with everything Ken has done on, nor the way he acts but that particular website is a bunch of fiction......hell it even claims "I" am Ken....which should have given you a clue about its validity.

Let's see Paul if he gets it or accuses you of being me. That will tell ALL!
2004-06-02 20:11:16 UTC
"Editor -- Child Support News" <***@childsupportnews.com> wrote in message news:***@corp.supernews.com...

Your reputation relating to dad's rights ain't the greatest...see http://www.aboutkenpangborn.com/ .

You are the same "Ken Pangborn" referenced on this guy's site, right?

You must be a VERY weak minded individual. Anybody can put ANY bullshit about somebody on a website they want. You can even MAKE UP people's names and claim they have complaints about somebody.

There is a VAST difference between a website FULL of fabrications and somebody being CONVICTED by a Supreme Court.

Here is a little challenge for you. Something EASY to check out. Go to the site where Moore has the name of the Attorney who he has claimed was a former associate of mine from Baltimore, Maryland. Kosivlotisky. Then go to the Baltimore County Bar Association and ask if there has EVER been such an attorney as a member of the Bar there. When they tell you NO, then go to the Maryland Bar and see if THEY have him listed EVER..... The answer again is NO... THEN you can check all the surrounding states. When you find they ALL say "NO!" you can move on and ask if there has EVER been such a named person ANYWHERE in the United States who is an attorney. You'll find another "NO!"

Then you THAT doesn't teach you enough, take a look at one of the people Moore ALLEGES is a former client. Will Rainey. Then do a web search for William Rainey Harper College. You'll find it just a couple miles from Mr. Moore's home in Bolingbrook, Illinois

The first page DISCLAIMER......... SHOULD have but obviously did NOT warn you that the items ON the website are only the "OPINIONS" of the owner. You see the little wuss believes that the FACTS he claims are "ONLY OPINIONS" and therefore FREE SPEECH! I can't help what you choose to believe. That is a personal decision.
But you aren't setting yourself up as much of an intellectual by believing that trash.
Editor -- Child Support News
2004-06-02 20:44:53 UTC

I'm not a cheerleader for Hirschfeld...I''m not one for you either.

Both of you decided, apparently within the last couple of days, to appear on a relatively QUITE and CIVIL newsgroup, with some exceptions, only to have developed quite a lengthy thread between you and him casting dispersions on either other.

Paul's right though...I can filter you out...I haven't had to do that in this group for some time now.

"krp" <***@verizon.net> wrote in message news:Evqvc.10174$***@nwrddc02.gnilink.net...

"Editor -- Child Support News" <***@childsupportnews.com> wrote in message news:***@corp.supernews.com...

Your reputation relating to dad's rights ain't the greatest...see http://www.aboutkenpangborn.com/ .

You are the same "Ken Pangborn" referenced on this guy's site, right?

You must be a VERY weak minded individual. Anybody can put ANY bullshit about somebody on a website they want. You can even MAKE UP people's names and claim they have complaints about somebody.

There is a VAST difference between a website FULL of fabrications and somebody being CONVICTED by a Supreme Court.

Here is a little challenge for you. Something EASY to check out. Go to the site where Moore has the name of the Attorney who he has claimed was a former associate of mine from Baltimore, Maryland. Kosivlotisky. Then go to the Baltimore County Bar Association and ask if there has EVER been such an attorney as a member of the Bar there. When they tell you NO, then go to the Maryland Bar and see if THEY have him listed EVER..... The answer again is NO... THEN you can check all the surrounding states. When you find they ALL say "NO!" you can move on and ask if there has EVER been such a named person ANYWHERE in the United States who is an attorney. You'll find another "NO!"

Then you THAT doesn't teach you enough, take a look at one of the people Moore ALLEGES is a former client. Will Rainey. Then do a web search for William Rainey Harper College. You'll find it just a couple miles from Mr. Moore's home in Bolingbrook, Illinois

The first page DISCLAIMER......... SHOULD have but obviously did NOT warn you that the items ON the website are only the "OPINIONS" of the owner. You see the little wuss believes that the FACTS he claims are "ONLY OPINIONS" and therefore FREE SPEECH! I can't help what you choose to believe. That is a personal decision.
But you aren't setting yourself up as much of an intellectual by believing that trash.
2004-06-02 21:24:05 UTC
"Editor -- Child Support News" <***@childsupportnews.com> wrote in
message news:***@corp.supernews.com...
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
I'm not a cheerleader for Hirschfeld...I''m not one for you either.
I am not asking you to be. Hirschfeld's history is documentable at
reliable places like the Airzona Supreme Court. The facts of what he did to
clients and his absconding to the mountains of Mexico are well documents
both in cort records and by the news media. If that isn't enough, his own
words condemn him on the subject. When the issues first came out he did not
deny any of the acts he was acccused of, he merely complained that going
after him was a denial of his "rights" as any good sociopath does.
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
Both of you decided, apparently within the last couple of days, to appear
on a relatively QUITE and CIVIL newsgroup, with some exceptions, only to
have developed quite a lengthy thread between you and him casting
dispersions on either other.

I didn't start it, but I have never run from people like Hirschfeld. He
has a long history of rock tossing at others when his own hands are more
dirty than the people that he is accusing. Hirschfeld chose to crosspost
this from the men's newsgroups, NOT myself. I am just replying to his
slander. I will defend my self also against the slander on the moore
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
Paul's right though...I can filter you out...I haven't had to do that in
this group for some time now.

That's probably your best option. I am not the evangelist here. I have loads
of informtation you'd lose access to if you filtered me. But that is a
choice you have to make.
Editor -- Child Support News
2004-06-02 21:57:50 UTC
Post by krp
That's probably your best option. I am not the evangelist here. I have loads
of informtation you'd lose access to if you filtered me. But that is a
choice you have to make.
Then why not post the information as opposed to the namecalling...I'd love
to have it.
2004-06-03 14:38:06 UTC
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
Post by krp
That's probably your best option. I am not the evangelist here. I have loads
of informtation you'd lose access to if you filtered me. But that is a
choice you have to make.
Then why not post the information as opposed to the namecalling...I'd love
to have it.
I do as called for. You can find lots of it at www.a-team.org for free.
2004-06-03 13:42:21 UTC
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
Your reputation relating to dad's rights ain't the greatest...see
http://www.aboutkenpangborn.com/ .
You are the same "Ken Pangborn" referenced on this guy's site, right?
Yes, it's the same Ken Pangborn. He also posts under other aliases,
including "KaiserDrvr" "Bulldogwow" and "John Gault".
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
You must be a VERY weak minded individual. Anybody can put ANY
bullshit about somebody on a website they
want. You can even MAKE UP people's names and claim they have
complaints about somebody.
None of which has happened at http://www.aboutkenpangborn.com.
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
There is a VAST difference between a website FULL of fabrications
and somebody being CONVICTED by a
Supreme Court.
http://www.aboutkenpangborn.com contains the truth. This explains why you
have failed to have the site taken down in four years of desperately
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
Here is a little challenge for you. Something EASY to check out.
Go to the site where Moore has the name of the
Attorney who he has claimed was a former associate of mine from
Baltimore, Maryland. Kosivlotisky.
No such claim is made anywhere at http://www.aboutkenpangborn.com. The
only claim made is that an AOL member posting under this name made a
particular post about you. A fact which Google backs up.
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
Then go to
the Baltimore County Bar Association and ask if there has EVER been
such an attorney as a member of the Bar
there. When they tell you NO, then go to the Maryland Bar and see
if THEY have him listed EVER..... The answer
again is NO... THEN you can check all the surrounding states. When
you find they ALL say "NO!" you can move
on and ask if there has EVER been such a named person ANYWHERE in
the United States who is an attorney.
You'll find another "NO!"
Then you THAT doesn't teach you enough, take a look at one of the
people Moore ALLEGES is a former client. Will
No such allegation exists at http://www.aboutkenpangborn.com.
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
Then do a web search for William Rainey Harper College.
You'll find it just a couple miles from Mr. Moore's
home in Bolingbrook, Illinois
I don't have a home in "Bolingbrook, Illinois". Also, there are hundreds
of people bearing the name "Will Rainey". The Infospace White Pages verify
this. Did they all steal their names from a college too?
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
The first page DISCLAIMER......... SHOULD have but obviously did
NOT warn you that the items ON the website
are only the "OPINIONS" of the owner. You see the little wuss
believes that the FACTS he claims are "ONLY
OPINIONS" and therefore FREE SPEECH!
It is free speech. http://www.aboutkenpangborn.com contains factual
information about you which can be cross-referenced in independent archives
such as Google. Much of it is actually you, painting a picture of yourself
in your own words from your various internet accounts.
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
I can't help what you choose
to believe. That is a personal decision.
But you aren't setting yourself up as much of an intellectual by believing that trash.
As opposed to your trash? You've been proved a liar so many times, it's
not even funny. Your continued denial of ownership of the "John Gault"
speaks for itself, as you were exposed on this since the day you opened the
account. http://www.aboutkenpangborn.com has proof of this as well.

Also, you still didn't answer the question posed earlier this week. In
July 2000, you vowed that you would be producing "proof" of your numerous
claims about me at that time. Specifically, my dishonorable military
discharge, my "wife beating" and the subsequent "1000 mile restraining
order" issued by a California judge. Not to mention your hilarious yarn
that I "blackmailed women for sex." You promised that you would be posting
the proof in "7 to 10 days", and it has now been nearly a full four years.
Whatever happened to this proof? Did it get lost in the mail?

2004-06-03 15:10:01 UTC
Post by freedom
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
You are the same "Ken Pangborn" referenced on this guy's site, right?
Yes, it's the same Ken Pangborn. He also posts under other aliases,
including "KaiserDrvr" "Bulldogwow" and "John Gault".
WRONG Davey, since YOU have a LONG LONG LONG history of anonymous
remailer use (see ABOVE) where your shit originates, YOU assume MANY ID's.
SO far you have accused over 200 people of being me, even WHEN their posting
host is thousands of miles away, even in other countries. And I am NOT
speaking of ANONYMOUS REMAILERS that YOUR supporters always seem to
originate from. NONE of those people is me but you need to accuse me of what
YOU do!
Post by freedom
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
You must be a VERY weak minded individual. Anybody can put ANY
bullshit about somebody on a website they
Post by freedom
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
want. You can even MAKE UP people's names and claim they have
complaints about somebody.
None of which has happened at http://www.aboutkenpangborn.com.
ALL of whiuch is on there Davey. You MADE UP the Will Rainey character and
named him after a college just a few miles form your back roor! You MADE UP
a non-existant lawyer! You MADE UP posts that you claim came form me but
which YOU WROTE and forged my name to via your anonymous remailers!You are a
pathological liar Moore.
Post by freedom
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
There is a VAST difference between a website FULL of fabrications
and somebody being CONVICTED by a
Post by freedom
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
Supreme Court.
http://www.aboutkenpangborn.com contains the truth. This explains why you
have failed to have the site taken down in four years of desperately
Moore you wouldn't know the truth any more. You know that your site was
thrown off over 20 different places in the United States which is WHY you
HAD to take it OFF SHORE to a country that does NOT enforce libel laws! You
were thrown off Geocities, Tripod, ANet, and one ISP after he threw you off
placed a disclaimer where your site was and locked you out! You have to
scream and whine to have the pointers sent overseas. First to a place in
Africa and then its present site, BUT Moore here you LIE again. There is a
BIG history of you WHINING like a Baby after the ISP tossed you off all over
usenet. One of the EASIER lies of yours to expose. SKYPORT remember Davey?
Remember where the owner of the ISP placed a disclaimer briefly outlining
that his lawyers had their Investigator check out your claims on that
SHITHOLE and they found it to be FALSE? THAT is why Skyport thrw you off.
Do you really want people to check that oiut Davey?
Post by freedom
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
Here is a little challenge for you. Something EASY to check out.
Go to the site where Moore has the name of the
Attorney who he has claimed was a former associate of mine from
Baltimore, Maryland. Kosivlotisky.
No such claim is made anywhere at http://www.aboutkenpangborn.com. The
only claim made is that an AOL member posting under this name made a
particular post about you. A fact which Google backs up.
Sure it does Davey.... Except the problem is, that LAWYER doesn't EXIST
and you KNOW that! You have tried franticly to back up that he does and you
CANNOT..................... Here's a simple challenge Davey, real simple,
find that lawyer and post his contact information for his law office. If you
can THAT will trash me forever. Easy win for you, right Davey? Has to be a
real address that people like "Editor" can check out. BET YA WON'T!
Post by freedom
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
Then you THAT doesn't teach you enough, take a look at one of the
people Moore ALLEGES is a former client. Will
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
No such allegation exists at http://www.aboutkenpangborn.com.
Oh Davey.... Did you finally take that down? After all these years
INSISTING that Rainey was a client I harassed??? Finally admit he isn't
Post by freedom
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
Then do a web search for William Rainey Harper College.
You'll find it just a couple miles from Mr. Moore's
home in Bolingbrook, Illinois
I don't have a home in "Bolingbrook, Illinois". Also, there are hundreds
of people bearing the name "Will Rainey". The Infospace White Pages verify
this. Did they all steal their names from a college too?
Davey you have been claiming THAT you don't live in Bolingbrook now for
EIGHT YEARS... Yet public records show that you DO. Your website is
registered to you in Lisle, Illinois at a post office box by your BANKRUPTCY
LAWYER's office. So let's cut the happy bullshit here Moore. Oh and DAVEY
boy, while we are at your BULLSHIT.... See your whining about me allegedly
threatening you with a photo of your house? The only PHOTO I have is of a
house at 226 N. Pinecrest Road in Bolingbrook, which is where you NOW claim
you "DO NOT LIVE." Which LIE is it Davey? That I sent you a photo of a
place you do NOT live (but you claim your kids were playing in the back
yard) or that you don't live there? It's hard to keep ALL your lies straight
Moore. I was sent a photo of your house Moore, it is of the FRONT of your
house. Not the back. There are NO children in it. It was sent to me by the
brother of a woman you ATTACKED. I asked you about a sign on the road. No
threats. I notice that you wisely left the woman alone when you realized
that her two brothers were about to break your pencil neck.
Post by freedom
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
The first page DISCLAIMER......... SHOULD have but obviously did
NOT warn you that the items ON the website
are only the "OPINIONS" of the owner. You see the little wuss
believes that the FACTS he claims are "ONLY
OPINIONS" and therefore FREE SPEECH!
It is free speech. http://www.aboutkenpangborn.com contains factual
information about you which can be cross-referenced in independent archives
such as Google. Much of it is actually you, painting a picture of yourself
in your own words from your various internet accounts.
If they are FACTS Davey, verifiable real FACTS then you do not need to
HIDE behind the claim that they are "ONLY MY OPINIONS."
Moore you will be a moron all the days of your life. Only idiots believe the
SHIT on the net! That of course makes you the KING of morons. Anything on
the net can EASILY be altered by a HACKER.... Say Davey, WHAT is your line
of work again????? How many times have you BRAGGED about your ability as a
"HACKER?" WHICH of us hangs out on alt.hackers.malicious???? DAVID DENNIS
Post by freedom
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
I can't help what you choose to believe. That is a personal decision.
But you aren't setting yourself up as much of an intellectual by
believing that trash.
Post by freedom
As opposed to your trash? You've been proved a liar so many times, it's
not even funny. Your continued denial of ownership of the "John Gault"
speaks for itself, as you were exposed on this since the day you opened the
account. http://www.aboutkenpangborn.com has proof of this as well.
David you have been able to lead some MUSH BRAINS into accepting your
twisted history. Look at all the people who fall every year for the old
"pidgeon drop" gag. Not so many any more. What you have is allegations
Davey. The guy was/is a friend, even if I haven't heard from him in months.
He used my machine on occasion and I used his. You know Davey, I have REAL
friends, sometimes we get together at each other's house. I know what you
think you have proved, but guess again.
Post by freedom
Also, you still didn't answer the question posed earlier this week. In
July 2000, you vowed that you would be producing "proof" of your numerous
claims about me at that time. Specifically, my dishonorable military
discharge, my "wife beating" and the subsequent "1000 mile restraining
order" issued by a California judge. Not to mention your hilarious yarn
that I "blackmailed women for sex." You promised that you would be posting
the proof in "7 to 10 days", and it has now been nearly a full four years.
Whatever happened to this proof? Did it get lost in the mail?
First of all you exaggerate what I said. The "yarn" that you blackmailed
women for sex is borne out by some of your internet activity Moore, but was
central as one of the reasons your first wife divorced you, and why you were
cashiered from the Marines. We've been over that history so many times with
fresh audiences, where many people have drilled you on your discharge status
as INELIGIBLE to re-enlist. It's simple Moore, the Marines got rid of you
and don't ever want you back.

Something obvious may escape people.That is the fact that you even HAVE
the website says ALL that any sane person needs to know about YOU! Normal
people would never do that. But as I have said and your daddy told you when
you were little; "Boy you just ain't NORMAL!"

Why don't you go rent a life? I don't know who makes men look worse, you
are Hirschfeld....
2004-06-03 16:17:01 UTC
Post by krp
Another lie....nobody by that name had anything to do with authoring the
post in question.
Post by krp
Post by freedom
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
You are the same "Ken Pangborn" referenced on this guy's site,
Post by freedom
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
Yes, it's the same Ken Pangborn. He also posts under other aliases,
including "KaiserDrvr" "Bulldogwow" and "John Gault".
WRONG Davey, since YOU have a LONG LONG LONG history of anonymous
remailer use
Yes, for the purpose of protecting my ISP from your flood of complaints. I
know how frustrated it makes you that you have nowhere to send complaints,
to try to silence me when I expose you in lie after lie. Pity that Megan
probably goes to school with bruises as a result though.

(see ABOVE) where your shit originates, YOU assume MANY ID's.

I use only this ID.
Post by krp
SO far you have accused over 200 people of being me, even WHEN their posting
host is thousands of miles away, even in other countries. And I am NOT
speaking of ANONYMOUS REMAILERS that YOUR supporters always seem to
originate from. NONE of those people is me but you need to accuse me of what
YOU do!
Post by freedom
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
You must be a VERY weak minded individual. Anybody can put ANY
bullshit about somebody on a website they
Post by freedom
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
want. You can even MAKE UP people's names and claim they have
complaints about somebody.
None of which has happened at http://www.aboutkenpangborn.com.
ALL of whiuch is on there Davey. You MADE UP the Will Rainey character and
named him after a college just a few miles form your back roor!
I don't have a "back roor". Nor do I have a college bearing the name Will
Rainey anywhere within 200 miles of my home.

Post by krp
a non-existant lawyer! You MADE UP posts that you claim came form me but
which YOU WROTE and forged my name to via your anonymous remailers!You are a
pathological liar Moore.
Proof, fatboy?
Post by krp
Post by freedom
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
There is a VAST difference between a website FULL of fabrications
and somebody being CONVICTED by a
Post by freedom
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
Supreme Court.
http://www.aboutkenpangborn.com contains the truth. This explains why you
have failed to have the site taken down in four years of desperately
Moore you wouldn't know the truth any more. You know that your site was
thrown off over 20 different places in the United States which is WHY you
HAD to take it OFF SHORE to a country that does NOT enforce libel laws! You
were thrown off Geocities, Tripod, ANet,
These are half-truths and outright lies. ANet never threw the site
off...rather, I voluntarily moved the site when I purchased the
http://www.aboutkenpangborn.com domain. In fact, in anticipation that you
would later lie about this, I made a post beforehand announcing the
voluntary move. This can be viewed in the Google archives (boy, don't you
just hate Google, Ken? How often your lies get thrown back in your pudgy
face by facts being cited?)


And as far as Geocities and Tripod go, those are free webhosts. Typically
they will tear down a page simply because people complain about it. And
it's well known that you complain frequently. To date, you've sent over
1000 complaints to Anet. Too bad you don't know my address there....LOL

and one ISP after he threw you off
Post by krp
placed a disclaimer where your site was and locked you out! You have to
scream and whine to have the pointers sent overseas. First to a place in
Africa and then its present site, BUT Moore here you LIE again. There is a
BIG history of you WHINING like a Baby after the ISP tossed you off all over
usenet. One of the EASIER lies of yours to expose. SKYPORT remember Davey?
Remember where the owner of the ISP placed a disclaimer briefly outlining
that his lawyers had their Investigator check out your claims on that
SHITHOLE and they found it to be FALSE? THAT is why Skyport thrw you off.
Do you really want people to check that oiut Davey?
Post by freedom
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
Here is a little challenge for you. Something EASY to check out.
Go to the site where Moore has the name of the
Attorney who he has claimed was a former associate of mine from
Baltimore, Maryland. Kosivlotisky.
No such claim is made anywhere at http://www.aboutkenpangborn.com. The
only claim made is that an AOL member posting under this name made a
particular post about you. A fact which Google backs up.
Sure it does Davey.... Except the problem is, that LAWYER doesn't EXIST
and you KNOW that! You have tried franticly to back up that he does and you
CANNOT..................... Here's a simple challenge Davey, real simple,
find that lawyer and post his contact information for his law office. If you
can THAT will trash me forever. Easy win for you, right Davey? Has to be a
real address that people like "Editor" can check out. BET YA WON'T!
There is no need. I have never made any claims about whether or not the
man was a lawyer....only that someone bearing that name made a usenet post
about you from a particular AOL address. Your ranting here is nothing more
than a smokescreen.
Post by krp
Post by freedom
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
Then you THAT doesn't teach you enough, take a look at one of the
people Moore ALLEGES is a former client. Will
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
No such allegation exists at http://www.aboutkenpangborn.com.
Oh Davey.... Did you finally take that down? After all these years
INSISTING that Rainey was a client I harassed??? Finally admit he isn't
An individual by that name made several posts to usenet, claiming that you
had harassed him and his wife.
Post by krp
Post by freedom
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
Then do a web search for William Rainey Harper College.
You'll find it just a couple miles from Mr. Moore's
home in Bolingbrook, Illinois
I don't have a home in "Bolingbrook, Illinois". Also, there are hundreds
of people bearing the name "Will Rainey". The Infospace White Pages
Post by freedom
this. Did they all steal their names from a college too?
Davey you have been claiming THAT you don't live in Bolingbrook now for
No, I haven't.

Yet public records show that you DO. Your website is
Post by krp
registered to you in Lisle, Illinois at a post office box by your BANKRUPTCY
LAWYER's office.
As I've never filed bankruptcy, I don't have a bankruptcy lawyer. I
believe you were exposed on this lie as well, when you posted a
non-existant case number, and the name of a lawyer who, when telephoned,
stated that he had never had a client by my name.
Post by krp
So let's cut the happy bullshit here Moore. Oh and DAVEY
boy, while we are at your BULLSHIT.... See your whining about me allegedly
threatening you with a photo of your house? The only PHOTO I have is of a
house at 226 N. Pinecrest Road in Bolingbrook,
No such address even exists. It would be impossible for you to have a
photo of a house bearing that address.
Post by krp
which is where you NOW claim
you "DO NOT LIVE." Which LIE is it Davey? That I sent you a photo of a
place you do NOT live (but you claim your kids were playing in the back
yard) or that you don't live there? It's hard to keep ALL your lies straight
Moore. I was sent a photo of your house Moore, it is of the FRONT of your
house. Not the back. There are NO children in it. It was sent to me by the
brother of a woman you ATTACKED. I asked you about a sign on the road. No
threats. I notice that you wisely left the woman alone when you realized
that her two brothers were about to break your pencil neck.
Post by freedom
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
The first page DISCLAIMER......... SHOULD have but obviously did
NOT warn you that the items ON the website
are only the "OPINIONS" of the owner. You see the little wuss
believes that the FACTS he claims are "ONLY
OPINIONS" and therefore FREE SPEECH!
It is free speech. http://www.aboutkenpangborn.com contains factual
information about you which can be cross-referenced in independent
Post by freedom
such as Google. Much of it is actually you, painting a picture of
Post by freedom
in your own words from your various internet accounts.
If they are FACTS Davey, verifiable real FACTS then you do not need to
HIDE behind the claim that they are "ONLY MY OPINIONS."
Moore you will be a moron all the days of your life. Only idiots believe the
SHIT on the net! That of course makes you the KING of morons. Anything on
the net can EASILY be altered by a HACKER.... Say Davey, WHAT is your line
of work again????? How many times have you BRAGGED about your ability as a
Post by krp
WHICH of us hangs out on alt.hackers.malicious???? DAVID DENNIS
So you're now claiming that your name is David Dennis Moore? LOL!
Post by krp
Post by freedom
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
I can't help what you choose to believe. That is a personal decision.
But you aren't setting yourself up as much of an intellectual by
believing that trash.
Post by freedom
As opposed to your trash? You've been proved a liar so many times, it's
not even funny. Your continued denial of ownership of the "John Gault"
speaks for itself, as you were exposed on this since the day you opened
Post by freedom
account. http://www.aboutkenpangborn.com has proof of this as well.
David you have been able to lead some MUSH BRAINS into accepting your
twisted history. Look at all the people who fall every year for the old
"pidgeon drop" gag. Not so many any more. What you have is allegations
Davey. The guy was/is a friend, even if I haven't heard from him in months.
He used my machine on occasion and I used his. You know Davey, I have REAL
friends, sometimes we get together at each other's house. I know what you
think you have proved, but guess again.
Yes, I know you have imaginary friends, Ken. Too bad the IJ account was
terminated for abuse, just like so many others.
Post by krp
Post by freedom
Also, you still didn't answer the question posed earlier this week. In
July 2000, you vowed that you would be producing "proof" of your numerous
claims about me at that time. Specifically, my dishonorable military
discharge, my "wife beating" and the subsequent "1000 mile restraining
order" issued by a California judge. Not to mention your hilarious yarn
that I "blackmailed women for sex." You promised that you would be
Post by freedom
the proof in "7 to 10 days", and it has now been nearly a full four years.
Whatever happened to this proof? Did it get lost in the mail?
First of all you exaggerate what I said.
Fine, let's look at your exact words in Google...July 22, 2000, from your
PangK account (shortly before it was terminated for abuse):

"Since David HAS given his PERMISSION to post ANY and ALL info I get ON THE
NET I think we will find this interesting. It has been promised to me in
the next 7-10 days. LOTS of juicy tid-bits."


Not sure which part I "exaggerated"...your statement seems very clear that
you would have this info in "7-10 days". Funny that there are no posts on
or around August 1 containing all of these "juicy tid-bits"?
Post by krp
The "yarn" that you blackmailed
women for sex is borne out by some of your internet activity Moore
Well, at least now you admit that you lied. That's a huge accomplishment
for you, I guess....
2004-06-03 17:04:08 UTC
Post by freedom
Post by krp
Post by freedom
Yes, it's the same Ken Pangborn. He also posts under other aliases,
including "KaiserDrvr" "Bulldogwow" and "John Gault".
WRONG Davey, since YOU have a LONG LONG LONG history of anonymous
remailer use
Yes, for the purpose of protecting my ISP from your flood of complaints.
Post by freedom
know how frustrated it makes you that you have nowhere to send complaints,
to try to silence me when I expose you in lie after lie. Pity that Megan
probably goes to school with bruises as a result though.
Davey you certainly ARE an amusing creep. You WHINE that *I* flood YOUR ISP
with complaints, yet you claim you have NEVER had an account yanked and you
SCREAM that I have had many closed.
Post by freedom
(see ABOVE) where your shit originates, YOU assume MANY ID's.
I use only this ID.
SO FAR TODAY, where is your French Poet personna?
Post by freedom
Post by krp
Post by freedom
Post by krp
You must be a VERY weak minded individual. Anybody can put ANY
bullshit about somebody on a website they
Post by freedom
Post by krp
want. You can even MAKE UP people's names and claim they have
complaints about somebody.
None of which has happened at http://www.aboutkenpangborn.com.
ALL of which is on there Davey. You MADE UP the Will Rainey character and
named him after a college just a few miles form your back roor!
I don't have a "back roor". Nor do I have a college bearing the name Will
Rainey anywhere within 200 miles of my home.
Oh God Moore what a liar. William Rainey Harper is in Palatine,
Illinois only a fee miles from your back DOOR there at your hovel in
Bolingbrook, Illinois!
Post by freedom
Post by krp
You MADE UP a non-existant lawyer! You MADE UP posts that you claim came
form me but
Post by freedom
Post by krp
which YOU WROTE and forged my name to via your anonymous remailers!You are a
pathological liar Moore.
Proof, fatboy?
He don't exist Davey, that is all the PROOF I need. The post you continuelly
claim is mine NEVER existed except on your little machine. You offer the
FEEBLE (and UNTRUE) claim for the reason it does NOT exist in the archives,
that I ORDERED Google to NUKE IT! That's your only excuse.
Post by freedom
Post by krp
Moore you wouldn't know the truth any more. You know that your site was
thrown off over 20 different places in the United States which is WHY you
HAD to take it OFF SHORE to a country that does NOT enforce libel laws! You
were thrown off Geocities, Tripod, ANet,
These are half-truths and outright lies. ANet never threw the site
off...rather, I voluntarily moved the site when I purchased the
http://www.aboutkenpangborn.com domain. In fact, in anticipation that you
would later lie about this, I made a post beforehand announcing the
voluntary move. This can be viewed in the Google archives (boy, don't you
just hate Google, Ken? How often your lies get thrown back in your pudgy
face by facts being cited?)
Davey, do you forget you had the aboutkenpangborn domain ON ANet? You
know that ANet had told you to find abother home for your site and gave you
a month to find it. No answer for the Tripod, Geocities, and Skyport
ejections Davey? That makes it a bit MORE than a HALF truth don't it.
Post by freedom
And as far as Geocities and Tripod go, those are free webhosts. Typically
they will tear down a page simply because people complain about it. And
it's well known that you complain frequently. To date, you've sent over
1000 complaints to Anet. Too bad you don't know my address there....LOL
Oh really? Seems that THAT didn't work when you complained about John
Reinhagen's website on Geocities about YOU did it? Let's see how many
complaints did you and Stacy make about that? A DAY? I sent some to ANet,
not a thousand.
Post by freedom
Post by krp
Post by freedom
Post by krp
Here is a little challenge for you. Something EASY to check out.
Go to the site where Moore has the name of the
Attorney who he has claimed was a former associate of mine from
Baltimore, Maryland. Kosivlotisky.
No such claim is made anywhere at http://www.aboutkenpangborn.com. The
only claim made is that an AOL member posting under this name made a
particular post about you. A fact which Google backs up.
Sure it does Davey.... Except the problem is, that LAWYER doesn't EXIST
and you KNOW that! You have tried franticly to back up that he does and you
CANNOT..................... Here's a simple challenge Davey, real simple,
find that lawyer and post his contact information for his law office. If you
can THAT will trash me forever. Easy win for you, right Davey? Has to be a
real address that people like "Editor" can check out. BET YA WON'T!
There is no need. I have never made any claims about whether or not the
man was a lawyer....only that someone bearing that name made a usenet post
about you from a particular AOL address. Your ranting here is nothing more
than a smokescreen.
Yes you have. The site itself makes the claim. Davey, in the United
States the ESQ after a name is for lawyers! But Davey, the name doesn't
appear in the Maryland phone books either. So your weaseling doesn't work
you sad little boy! Your bullshit don't hold up well when you TRY to take me
on do it Davey?
Post by freedom
Post by krp
Post by freedom
Post by krp
Then you THAT doesn't teach you enough, take a look at one of the
people Moore ALLEGES is a former client. Will Rainey.
No such allegation exists at http://www.aboutkenpangborn.com.
Oh Davey.... Did you finally take that down? After all these years
INSISTING that Rainey was a client I harassed??? Finally admit he isn't
An individual by that name made several posts to usenet, claiming that you
had harassed him and his wife.
Davey that individual WAS YOU and everyone knows it. Will Rainey is
short for WILLIAM RAINEY HARPER College just a we bit away from your hovel
in Bolingbrook, Illinois in the town of Paletine, Illinois a really NICE
Post by freedom
Post by krp
Davey you have been claiming THAT you don't live in Bolingbrook now for
No, I haven't.
Sure you have, at one time even STUPIDLY claiming you lived in
Wisconsin. But that WAS after your tragic death which you announced as your
wife Linda using her ID.... Moore you are one SAD HEAD CASE!
Post by freedom
Yet public records show that you DO. Your website is
Post by krp
registered to you in Lisle, Illinois at a post office box by your BANKRUPTCY
LAWYER's office.
As I've never filed bankruptcy, I don't have a bankruptcy lawyer. I
believe you were exposed on this lie as well, when you posted a
non-existant case number, and the name of a lawyer who, when telephoned,
stated that he had never had a client by my name.
Yes Davey you DID, just one more LIE.... Told WHO he never had a client
by your name? Davey you are getting amusing.
Post by freedom
Post by krp
So let's cut the happy bullshit here Moore. Oh and DAVEY
boy, while we are at your BULLSHIT.... See your whining about me allegedly
threatening you with a photo of your house? The only PHOTO I have is of a
house at 226 N. Pinecrest Road in Bolingbrook,
No such address even exists. It would be impossible for you to have a
photo of a house bearing that address.
Oh Davey Must I get the papers out again?
Post by freedom
Post by krp
David you have been able to lead some MUSH BRAINS into accepting your
twisted history. Look at all the people who fall every year for the old
"pidgeon drop" gag. Not so many any more. What you have is allegations
Davey. The guy was/is a friend, even if I haven't heard from him in months.
He used my machine on occasion and I used his. You know Davey, I have REAL
friends, sometimes we get together at each other's house. I know what you
think you have proved, but guess again.
Yes, I know you have imaginary friends, Ken. Too bad the IJ account was
terminated for abuse, just like so many others.
No Davey, it was not terminated for abuse, it was closed when Tom moved
to Costa Rica. Whis is NOT in South America as you claim but CENTRAL
America! At least the nation of Costa Rica thinks so. When they say "Cota
Rica a Central American Paradise." (And it is a GREAT place!)
2004-06-03 22:13:57 UTC
Post by krp
Post by freedom
Post by krp
Post by freedom
Yes, it's the same Ken Pangborn. He also posts under other aliases,
including "KaiserDrvr" "Bulldogwow" and "John Gault".
WRONG Davey, since YOU have a LONG LONG LONG history of anonymous
remailer use
Yes, for the purpose of protecting my ISP from your flood of complaints.
Post by freedom
know how frustrated it makes you that you have nowhere to send complaints,
to try to silence me when I expose you in lie after lie. Pity that Megan
probably goes to school with bruises as a result though.
Davey you certainly ARE an amusing creep. You WHINE that *I* flood YOUR ISP
with complaints,
No, I don't. You don't KNOW who my ISP is, you fat tub of guts. I can
post as much as I like, and there isn't a damned thing you can do about it.

So, I'll continue to tell the world what a fraud, child abuser, liar and
crook you are. Go to ANY search engine and type in your name, and see all
the stuff which comes up. Must be nice to know that your prospective
clients, your neighbors and your children are reading all about your true

yet you claim you have NEVER had an account yanked and you
Post by krp
SCREAM that I have had many closed.
Post by freedom
(see ABOVE) where your shit originates, YOU assume MANY ID's.
I use only this ID.
SO FAR TODAY, where is your French Poet personna?
I don't have a "French Poet personna". Unlike you, I post from one ID. It
cuts down on the embarrassment of forgetting which persona is being used,
and screwing up and outting yourself. Something you're well familiar with,
as is proven at http://www.aboutkenpangborn.com with your laughable, puny
attempts with the judgedredd account.
Post by krp
Post by freedom
Post by krp
Post by freedom
Post by krp
You must be a VERY weak minded individual. Anybody can put ANY
bullshit about somebody on a website they
Post by freedom
Post by krp
want. You can even MAKE UP people's names and claim they have
complaints about somebody.
None of which has happened at http://www.aboutkenpangborn.com.
ALL of which is on there Davey. You MADE UP the Will Rainey character and
named him after a college just a few miles form your back roor!
I don't have a "back roor". Nor do I have a college bearing the name Will
Rainey anywhere within 200 miles of my home.
Oh God Moore what a liar. William Rainey Harper is in Palatine,
Illinois only a fee miles from your back DOOR there at your hovel in
Bolingbrook, Illinois!
Therein lies the problem. Palatine, Illinois is nowhere within 200 miles
of my current address.
Post by krp
Post by freedom
Post by krp
You MADE UP a non-existant lawyer! You MADE UP posts that you claim came
form me but
Post by freedom
Post by krp
which YOU WROTE and forged my name to via your anonymous remailers!You
are a
Post by freedom
Post by krp
pathological liar Moore.
Proof, fatboy?
He don't exist Davey, that is all the PROOF I need.
I'm sure you'd like to have people think he doesn't exist. He had some
pretty despicable things to say about you. Like you telephoning him
repeatedly after he got wise and told you to get lost.
Post by krp
The post you continuelly
claim is mine NEVER existed except on your little machine. You offer the
FEEBLE (and UNTRUE) claim for the reason it does NOT exist in the archives,
that I ORDERED Google to NUKE IT! That's your only excuse.
Are you referring to the post where you threatened rape of Stacy Alexander?
Strange, the comment you were replying to was in reference to a former
client of yours who blew the whistle on your unscrupulous business

You indeed made the rape post, and indeed had it nuked from the archives.
Contrary to your feeble smokescreen, nuking from the archives isn't
something which requires a presidential order. It's a matter of filling
out a form on the Google site and responding to a confirmation e-mail. But
then, you already know this, as you nuked the post in question.

Unfortunately for you, the post is still archived at
http://www.aboutkenpangborn.com for all to see.
Post by krp
Post by freedom
Post by krp
Moore you wouldn't know the truth any more. You know that your site
Post by freedom
Post by krp
thrown off over 20 different places in the United States which is WHY you
HAD to take it OFF SHORE to a country that does NOT enforce libel laws!
Post by freedom
Post by krp
were thrown off Geocities, Tripod, ANet,
These are half-truths and outright lies. ANet never threw the site
off...rather, I voluntarily moved the site when I purchased the
http://www.aboutkenpangborn.com domain. In fact, in anticipation that you
would later lie about this, I made a post beforehand announcing the
voluntary move. This can be viewed in the Google archives (boy, don't you
just hate Google, Ken? How often your lies get thrown back in your pudgy
face by facts being cited?)
Davey, do you forget you had the aboutkenpangborn domain ON ANet?
No, the domain was never on Anet. Please produce a single reference to
http://www.aboutkenpangborn.com being hosted on their site.
Post by krp
You know that ANet had told you to find abother home for your site and
gave you
a month to find it.
Another bald-faced lie. They told me no such thing. The fact was that I
had a business relationship with the company, in addition to using them for
my residential internet service, and desired to put a stop to the hundreds
of complaints you were sending them.
Post by krp
No answer for the Tripod, Geocities, and Skyport
ejections Davey? That makes it a bit MORE than a HALF truth don't it.
Post by freedom
And as far as Geocities and Tripod go, those are free webhosts. Typically
they will tear down a page simply because people complain about it. And
it's well known that you complain frequently. To date, you've sent over
1000 complaints to Anet. Too bad you don't know my address there....LOL
Oh really? Seems that THAT didn't work when you complained about John
Reinhagen's website on Geocities about YOU did it? Let's see how many
complaints did you and Stacy make about that? A DAY? I sent some to ANet,
not a thousand.
Ah, so you admit it. Why the need to send any complaints at all? This,
more than anything, demonstrates that there must be something at
http://www.aboutkenpangborn.com which you don't want people to see.
Post by krp
Post by freedom
Post by krp
Post by freedom
Post by krp
Here is a little challenge for you. Something EASY to check
Post by freedom
Post by krp
Post by freedom
Post by krp
Go to the site where Moore has the name of the
Attorney who he has claimed was a former associate of mine from
Baltimore, Maryland. Kosivlotisky.
No such claim is made anywhere at http://www.aboutkenpangborn.com. The
only claim made is that an AOL member posting under this name made a
particular post about you. A fact which Google backs up.
Sure it does Davey.... Except the problem is, that LAWYER doesn't
Post by freedom
Post by krp
and you KNOW that! You have tried franticly to back up that he does and
Post by freedom
Post by krp
CANNOT..................... Here's a simple challenge Davey, real simple,
find that lawyer and post his contact information for his law office. If
Post by freedom
Post by krp
can THAT will trash me forever. Easy win for you, right Davey? Has to be
Post by freedom
Post by krp
real address that people like "Editor" can check out. BET YA WON'T!
There is no need. I have never made any claims about whether or not the
man was a lawyer....only that someone bearing that name made a usenet post
about you from a particular AOL address. Your ranting here is nothing
Post by freedom
than a smokescreen.
Yes you have. The site itself makes the claim. Davey, in the United
States the ESQ after a name is for lawyers! But Davey, the name doesn't
appear in the Maryland phone books either. So your weaseling doesn't work
you sad little boy! Your bullshit don't hold up well when you TRY to take me
on do it Davey?
Again, information which is not disputed anywhere at
http://www.aboutkenpangborn.com. The site states ONLY that a usenet post
was credited to a person posting under this name.
Post by krp
Post by freedom
Post by krp
Post by freedom
Post by krp
Then you THAT doesn't teach you enough, take a look at one of
Post by freedom
Post by krp
Post by freedom
people Moore ALLEGES is a former client. Will Rainey.
No such allegation exists at http://www.aboutkenpangborn.com.
Oh Davey.... Did you finally take that down? After all these years
INSISTING that Rainey was a client I harassed??? Finally admit he isn't
An individual by that name made several posts to usenet, claiming that you
had harassed him and his wife.
Davey that individual WAS YOU and everyone knows it. Will Rainey is
short for WILLIAM RAINEY HARPER College just a we bit away from your hovel
in Bolingbrook, Illinois in the town of Paletine, Illinois a really NICE
Post by freedom
Post by krp
Davey you have been claiming THAT you don't live in Bolingbrook now
Post by freedom
Post by krp
No, I haven't.
Sure you have, at one time even STUPIDLY claiming you lived in
Wisconsin. But that WAS after your tragic death which you announced as your
wife Linda using her ID.... Moore you are one SAD HEAD CASE!
Post by freedom
Yet public records show that you DO. Your website is
Post by krp
registered to you in Lisle, Illinois at a post office box by your
Post by freedom
Post by krp
LAWYER's office.
As I've never filed bankruptcy, I don't have a bankruptcy lawyer. I
believe you were exposed on this lie as well, when you posted a
non-existant case number, and the name of a lawyer who, when telephoned,
stated that he had never had a client by my name.
Yes Davey you DID, just one more LIE.... Told WHO he never had a client
by your name? Davey you are getting amusing.
Tell us again about the fictitious case number, complete with the web link
which doesn't show such a case existing?
Post by krp
Post by freedom
Post by krp
So let's cut the happy bullshit here Moore. Oh and DAVEY
boy, while we are at your BULLSHIT.... See your whining about me
Post by freedom
Post by krp
threatening you with a photo of your house? The only PHOTO I have is of a
house at 226 N. Pinecrest Road in Bolingbrook,
No such address even exists. It would be impossible for you to have a
photo of a house bearing that address.
Oh Davey Must I get the papers out again?
Sure, I'd love to see papers which show that there is a house at 226 N.
Pinecrest Road in Bolingbrook. It's been a while since I've been out that
way, but as I recall there are only about 15 feet of space between the
houses at 224 N. and 228 N. Definitely not room for another lot.
Post by krp
Post by freedom
Post by krp
David you have been able to lead some MUSH BRAINS into accepting your
twisted history. Look at all the people who fall every year for the old
"pidgeon drop" gag. Not so many any more. What you have is allegations
Davey. The guy was/is a friend, even if I haven't heard from him in
Post by freedom
Post by krp
He used my machine on occasion and I used his. You know Davey, I have
Post by freedom
Post by krp
friends, sometimes we get together at each other's house. I know what you
think you have proved, but guess again.
Yes, I know you have imaginary friends, Ken. Too bad the IJ account was
terminated for abuse, just like so many others.
No Davey, it was not terminated for abuse, it was closed when Tom moved
to Costa Rica. Whis is NOT in South America as you claim but CENTRAL
America! At least the nation of Costa Rica thinks so. When they say "Cota
Rica a Central American Paradise." (And it is a GREAT place!)
I'm sure it is, and I'm sure "Tom" enjoys it there. Too bad he doesn't
exist anywhere outside of your imagination.
2004-06-04 13:48:53 UTC
Little 2 year old David Dennis Moore
Post by freedom
Post by krp
Davey you certainly ARE an amusing creep. You WHINE that *I* flood YOUR ISP
with complaints,
No, I don't. You don't KNOW who my ISP is, you fat tub of guts. I can
post as much as I like, and there isn't a damned thing you can do about it.
Davey, stop. The world knows you are a moron, BUT, if I don't flood your
ISP's with complaints, then WHY HIDE?? Could it be beacsue you are a
pathological LIAR?
Post by freedom
So, I'll continue to tell the world what a fraud, child abuser, liar and
crook you are.

Anonymously of course because you don't have the courage to say it to my
face without your mommy there to protect your sorry little COWARD'S ass.
But then your lack of courage is well known.
Post by freedom
Go to ANY search engine and type in your name, and see all
the stuff which comes up. Must be nice to know that your prospective
clients, your neighbors and your children are reading all about your true
Yes, all the stuff YOU wrote. Kind of an obsession with you. No Davey,
they read what YOU have INVENTED and those who know me know better that to
swallow your psychotic bullshit.
Post by freedom
Post by krp
SO FAR TODAY, where is your French Poet personna?
I don't have a "French Poet personna". Unlike you, I post from one ID.
Post by freedom
cuts down on the embarrassment of forgetting which persona is being used,
and screwing up and outting yourself.
Okay ROBERT............................................. <snicker>
Post by freedom
Post by krp
Post by freedom
I don't have a "back roor". Nor do I have a college bearing the name Will
Rainey anywhere within 200 miles of my home.
Oh God Moore what a liar. William Rainey Harper is in Palatine,
Illinois only a fee miles from your back DOOR there at your hovel in
Bolingbrook, Illinois!
Therein lies the problem. Palatine, Illinois is nowhere within 200 miles
of my current address.
Moore you have been using that claim for SEVEN YEARS... AT least up to
about a month ago you were STILL living in Bolingbrook! But that is one more
thing you LIE your ass off about. The SISSY has to hide.
Post by freedom
Post by krp
He don't exist Davey, that is all the PROOF I need.
I'm sure you'd like to have people think he doesn't exist. He had some
pretty despicable things to say about you. Like you telephoning him
repeatedly after he got wise and told you to get lost.
Sorry Davey he is YOU, YOU are him.. NO such person EXISTED!!! You made
up a name and you used a LANDMARK near you as you OFTEN do.
Shall we speak of your tenure as "JEFF JOHNSON?" Now who WAS Jeff Johnson?
He was a neighbor of yours wasn't he? But you IMPERSONATED him for 2 YEARS
on usenet didn't you? How could I telephone somebody WHO DOES NOT EXIST?

DAVEY remember this??? http://members.tripod.com/~freedom23 What happened
to it???
Post by freedom
Post by krp
The post you continuelly
claim is mine NEVER existed except on your little machine. You offer the
FEEBLE (and UNTRUE) claim for the reason it does NOT exist in the archives,
that I ORDERED Google to NUKE IT! That's your only excuse.
Are you referring to the post where you threatened rape of Stacy Alexander?
Strange, the comment you were replying to was in reference to a former
client of yours who blew the whistle on your unscrupulous business
YOU wrote that and appeneded it in one of your MANY MANY MANY forgeries to
me, as you have with dozenms of others from your ANONYMOUS REMAILERS Moore.
Post by freedom
You indeed made the rape post, and indeed had it nuked from the archives.
No. INDEED ... YOU write that and claimed *I* did! WHat you DID, Moore,
was to take several of my posts, paste parts of them together and add a few
words here and there and remove some and replace others. But it was a
Post by freedom
Contrary to your feeble smokescreen, nuking from the archives isn't
something which requires a presidential order. It's a matter of filling
out a form on the Google site and responding to a confirmation e-mail.
Post by freedom
then, you already know this, as you nuked the post in question.
Except that I NEVER filled out ANY such form Davey. I didn't have to.
That post existed ONLY on the computer of DAVID MOORE! That is where it
originated and that is where it rests to this day!
Post by freedom
Unfortunately for you, the post is still archived
It' is indede on YOUR Computer because THAT is where it originated, and
your website. It is a product of YOUR mind not mine!
Post by freedom
Post by krp
Davey, do you forget you had the aboutkenpangborn domain ON ANet?
No, the domain was never on Anet. Please produce a single reference to
http://www.aboutkenpangborn.com being hosted on their site.
Ha ha ha ha ha. Oh Davey, the admin for Anet was wildly trying to defend
having it for a while till the heat of the bullshit got too warm for him.
That subject is archived but not worth my time looking up. Anet is in
Naprville, Illinois.
Post by freedom
Post by krp
You know that ANet had told you to find abother home for your site and
gave you
Post by freedom
Post by krp
a month to find it.
Another bald-faced lie. They told me no such thing. The fact was that I
had a business relationship with the company, in addition to using them for
my residential internet service, and desired to put a stop to the hundreds
of complaints you were sending them.
Yesteday it was thousands, a while back it was "TENS OF THOUSANDS," at
least "hundreds" is getting closer to reality. It wasn't even "dozens"
There was a brief exchange between their admin and me. He did his best to
defend you. Then the heat got a bit warm as it was making Anet look like
shit. Say Davey, how is your "BUSINESS RELATIONSHIP" with him today? Still
talk much, do ya?
Post by freedom
Post by krp
No answer for the Tripod, Geocities, and Skyport
ejections Davey? That makes it a bit MORE than a HALF truth don't it.
Post by freedom
And as far as Geocities and Tripod go, those are free webhosts.
Post by freedom
Post by krp
Post by freedom
they will tear down a page simply because people complain about it.
Post by freedom
Post by krp
Post by freedom
it's well known that you complain frequently. To date, you've sent over
1000 complaints to Anet. Too bad you don't know my address
Post by freedom
Post by krp
Oh really? Seems that THAT didn't work when you complained about John
Reinhagen's website on Geocities about YOU did it? Let's see how many
complaints did you and Stacy make about that? A DAY? I sent some to ANet,
not a thousand.
Ah, so you admit it. Why the need to send any complaints at all? This,
more than anything, demonstrates that there must be something at
http://www.aboutkenpangborn.com which you don't want people to see.
Oh Davey, *I* didn't send but one complaint because your claims THEN as
TODAT are FALSE. They looked at your claims and threw you off. Others also
complained. Let see, on THOSE sites I was FAR from your only target. Besides
John Reinhagen and Joe O'Conner there were at least two dozen others you
attacks. Such as Judy McLinn, remember HER Davey? And all the VULGAR
sexually violent threats you made DIRECTLY to HER and her minor daughter?
Proud of that are you? How about the hacking of my private listserv Davey
and your threats of SEXUAL VIOLENCE against some of the womern there and the
CHILDREN of my users? PROUD of that are you? Remember, it was your threats
to one of the women that got her brothers on your ass, THAT is where the
photos of the hosue you NOW claim you NEVER lived in came from. So Davey,
it is isn't your house, when HOW could I threaten you? HOW could there be
pictures of your kids in the back yard as you claim? Think up a GOOD answer
Davey. Or should I say MAKE UP an answer. And WHO was the TWERP making
death threats by the phone from payphones by convinience markets in
BOlingboork Davey? The one that the cops have VIDEO of from a security
camera WEENIE! A little "TALK" seems to have stopped that BS didn't it
Post by freedom
Post by krp
Yes you have. The site itself makes the claim. Davey, in the United
States the ESQ after a name is for lawyers! But Davey, the name doesn't
appear in the Maryland phone books either. So your weaseling doesn't work
you sad little boy! Your bullshit don't hold up well when you TRY to take me
on do it Davey?
Again, information which is not disputed anywhere at
http://www.aboutkenpangborn.com. The site states ONLY that a usenet post
was credited to a person posting under this name.
The PERSON like so MANY on your website prove NOT TO EXIST Davey. Now,
maybe somebody could forgive you ONE fictional character. Maybe even
TWO........ Rainey? Wedlock? Johnson? The fake lawyer? If you want
CREDIBILITY Davey in your claims about me, then shouldn't you be SURE that
ALL the information is correct? Davey, let me treat you to a legal term
from the Latin. "FALSUS IN UNO - FALSUS IN OMNIBUS" Which in English means;
"false in one thing false in many things." But in your case it should be
"FALSUS IN OMNIBUS- FALSIS IN OMNIS." English, false in many things, false
in everything.
Post by freedom
Post by krp
Yes Davey you DID, just one more LIE.... Told WHO he never had a client
by your name? Davey you are getting amusing.
Tell us again about the fictitious case number, complete with the web link
which doesn't show such a case existing?
It will be quite a project to get the report Davey. But why LIE about
it? Several others saw it and got a pdf on the filing.
Post by freedom
Post by krp
Oh Davey Must I get the papers out again?
Sure, I'd love to see papers which show that there is a house at 226 N.
Pinecrest Road in Bolingbrook. It's been a while since I've been out that
way, but as I recall there are only about 15 feet of space between the
houses at 224 N. and 228 N. Definitely not room for another lot.
EXCUSE me it is 228 N. Pinecrest Davey... Gee I mistyped.

Davey what about getting fired from Sara Lee for your FORGERIES sent from
their server? And how you WHINED that O'COnnor and I got you fired when in
reality was was their own "security" folks that nailed your ass for your ant
i-semitic ranting in the names of others? Remember those posts Davey that
came from YOU??? How about your hacking of my list and you posting details
on Usenet of the PRIVATE content of it to usenet? Any rationalization for
THAT Davey?
You really LOVE to PLAY the role of VICTIM.... Sociopaths ALWAYS do..

What of your HARASSMMENT of my professional organizations Davey? Such as
YOUR allegations that I was "CONVICTED" of rape and child sexual abuse? Any
Post by freedom
Post by krp
No Davey, it was not terminated for abuse, it was closed when Tom moved
to Costa Rica. Whis is NOT in South America as you claim but CENTRAL
America! At least the nation of Costa Rica thinks so. When they say "Cota
Rica a Central American Paradise." (And it is a GREAT place!)
I'm sure it is, and I'm sure "Tom" enjoys it there. Too bad he doesn't
exist anywhere outside of your imagination.
I suppose he does with his wife. He decided to retire there. I really
don't give a shit what you believe. You don't believe in Keith either but
you HARASSED the man at his office and his employees with your INSANE phone
calls. Sure he doesn't exist. Why call his office then? He's another guy who
wants a piece of your ass. COME ON DOWN braveheart. You with all your BIG
badass TALK. You are a COWARD David Moore. That is who and what you are. It
is the defining feature of your personality! You say all of these things
anonymously because you LACK the manhood to say it to MEN in

THAT --- Moore is a chickenshit little COWARD! You will live with that all
the days of what YOU call a LIFE!
2004-06-04 15:34:39 UTC
Post by krp
Little 2 year old David Dennis Moore
LOL....why are you referring to yourself as a 2 year old?
Post by krp
Post by freedom
Post by krp
Davey you certainly ARE an amusing creep. You WHINE that *I* flood YOUR
Post by freedom
Post by krp
with complaints,
No, I don't. You don't KNOW who my ISP is, you fat tub of guts. I can
post as much as I like, and there isn't a damned thing you can do about
Davey, stop. The world knows you are a moron, BUT, if I don't flood your
ISP's with complaints, then WHY HIDE?? Could it be beacsue you are a
pathological LIAR?
I'm not "hiding" from anything. I post from a replyable e-mail address
(although it is munged to prevent spam.)

The reason you don't flood my ISP with complaints is because you have been
UNABLE to for the past four years, because you don't know who it is. And I
know how furious it makes you to not be able to harass someone into
Post by krp
Post by freedom
So, I'll continue to tell the world what a fraud, child abuser, liar and
crook you are.
Anonymously of course
Nope....I have never had the need to post anonymously.
Post by krp
because you don't have the courage to say it to my
face without your mommy there to protect your sorry little COWARD'S ass.
But then your lack of courage is well known.
Post by freedom
Go to ANY search engine and type in your name, and see all
the stuff which comes up. Must be nice to know that your prospective
clients, your neighbors and your children are reading all about your true
Yes, all the stuff YOU wrote.
Nope, just compiled. Mostly from your very own posts and e-mails, with
testimonials from former clients of yours and other victims of your
Post by krp
Kind of an obsession with you. No Davey,
they read what YOU have INVENTED and those who know me know better that to
swallow your psychotic bullshit.
Ah, but what about people who don't know you, and are still in the stage of
deciding whether or not to do business with you? I know of several cases
where people were considering you, but took one look at
http://www.aboutkenpangborn.com and ran the other way. Seriously, how much
business do you think your antics are costing you? You're not a very wise
business person....after all, you've been given a very simple avenue to get
http://www.aboutkenpangborn.com taken down and have me out of your hair
Post by krp
Post by freedom
Post by krp
SO FAR TODAY, where is your French Poet personna?
I don't have a "French Poet personna". Unlike you, I post from one ID.
Post by freedom
cuts down on the embarrassment of forgetting which persona is being used,
and screwing up and outting yourself.
Okay ROBERT............................................. <snicker>
Who's Robert?
Post by krp
Post by freedom
Post by krp
Post by freedom
I don't have a "back roor". Nor do I have a college bearing the name
Post by freedom
Post by krp
Post by freedom
Rainey anywhere within 200 miles of my home.
Oh God Moore what a liar. William Rainey Harper is in Palatine,
Illinois only a fee miles from your back DOOR there at your hovel in
Bolingbrook, Illinois!
Therein lies the problem. Palatine, Illinois is nowhere within 200 miles
of my current address.
Moore you have been using that claim for SEVEN YEARS...
Show me a single post from June 1997, in my name, where I made any such
claim. If you can produce this, I'll immediately remove
http://www.aboutkenpangborn.com from the web and leave usenet forever.
Otherwise, be branded a liar yet again. Don't worry, we know which one
you'll choose.
Post by krp
AT least up to
about a month ago you were STILL living in Bolingbrook!
Nope, I sure haven't. Haven't even set foot there for the better part of
two years.
Post by krp
But that is one more
thing you LIE your ass off about. The SISSY has to hide.
Post by freedom
Post by krp
He don't exist Davey, that is all the PROOF I need.
I'm sure you'd like to have people think he doesn't exist. He had some
pretty despicable things to say about you. Like you telephoning him
repeatedly after he got wise and told you to get lost.
Sorry Davey he is YOU, YOU are him.. NO such person EXISTED!!! You made
up a name and you used a LANDMARK near you as you OFTEN do.
Nope....just observed that a person by that name had a complaint about your
services. Just like other people, including Thomas Walsh and Steven Leuck.
People whom you acknowledged as former clients in your own internet posts,
when you engaged in conversation with/about them here on usenet.
Post by krp
Shall we speak of your tenure as "JEFF JOHNSON?" Now who WAS Jeff Johnson?
Never heard of him.
Post by krp
He was a neighbor of yours wasn't he? But you IMPERSONATED him for 2 YEARS
on usenet didn't you? How could I telephone somebody WHO DOES NOT EXIST?
DAVEY remember this??? http://members.tripod.com/~freedom23 What happened
to it???
Post by freedom
Post by krp
The post you continuelly
claim is mine NEVER existed except on your little machine. You offer the
FEEBLE (and UNTRUE) claim for the reason it does NOT exist in the
Post by freedom
Post by krp
that I ORDERED Google to NUKE IT! That's your only excuse.
Are you referring to the post where you threatened rape of Stacy
Post by freedom
Strange, the comment you were replying to was in reference to a former
client of yours who blew the whistle on your unscrupulous business
YOU wrote that and appeneded it in one of your MANY MANY MANY forgeries to
me, as you have with dozenms of others from your ANONYMOUS REMAILERS Moore.
Wrong, the post in question traces right back to the AOL ladder, from your
PangK account (which has since been terminated for abuse).
Post by krp
Post by freedom
You indeed made the rape post, and indeed had it nuked from the archives.
No. INDEED ... YOU write that and claimed *I* did! WHat you DID, Moore,
was to take several of my posts, paste parts of them together and add a few
words here and there and remove some and replace others. But it was a
Post by freedom
Contrary to your feeble smokescreen, nuking from the archives isn't
something which requires a presidential order. It's a matter of filling
out a form on the Google site and responding to a confirmation e-mail.
Post by freedom
then, you already know this, as you nuked the post in question.
Except that I NEVER filled out ANY such form Davey. I didn't have to.
That post existed ONLY on the computer of DAVID MOORE! That is where it
originated and that is where it rests to this day!
Yeah, whatever, Ken. http://www.aboutkenpangborn.com contains proof that
you made the post. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to post the link
Post by krp
Post by freedom
Unfortunately for you, the post is still archived
It' is indede on YOUR Computer because THAT is where it originated, and
your website. It is a product of YOUR mind not mine!
Nope, it's archived on http://www.aboutkenpangborn.com.
Post by krp
Post by freedom
Post by krp
Davey, do you forget you had the aboutkenpangborn domain ON ANet?
No, the domain was never on Anet. Please produce a single reference to
http://www.aboutkenpangborn.com being hosted on their site.
Ha ha ha ha ha. Oh Davey, the admin for Anet was wildly trying to defend
having it for a while till the heat of the bullshit got too warm for him.
Wrong. The biography of your history of lies, stalking and harassment did
exist on Anet, but was not under the domain name
http://www.aboutkenpangborn.com until I voluntarily moved the site. And,
contrary to your lies, the Anet staff did an admirable job of allowing my
free speech. In the end I decided to spare them your thousands of
complaints, and simply moved the site.

In any case, the site has now been up for over four years. Not bad,
considering that you vowed that http://www.aboutkenpangborn.com would be
taken down by "noon on January 1, 2001" due to a supposed "Illinois law".
Yet another of your ominous deadlines which came and went, revealed as yet
another bluff.
Post by krp
That subject is archived but not worth my time looking up. Anet is in
Naprville, Illinois.
Post by freedom
Post by krp
You know that ANet had told you to find abother home for your site and
gave you
Post by freedom
Post by krp
a month to find it.
Another bald-faced lie. They told me no such thing. The fact was that I
had a business relationship with the company, in addition to using them
Post by freedom
my residential internet service, and desired to put a stop to the hundreds
of complaints you were sending them.
Yesteday it was thousands, a while back it was "TENS OF THOUSANDS," at
least "hundreds" is getting closer to reality. It wasn't even "dozens"
There was a brief exchange between their admin and me. He did his best to
defend you. Then the heat got a bit warm as it was making Anet look like
shit. Say Davey, how is your "BUSINESS RELATIONSHIP" with him today? Still
talk much, do ya?
Post by freedom
Post by krp
No answer for the Tripod, Geocities, and Skyport
ejections Davey? That makes it a bit MORE than a HALF truth don't it.
Post by freedom
And as far as Geocities and Tripod go, those are free webhosts.
Post by freedom
Post by krp
Post by freedom
they will tear down a page simply because people complain about it.
Post by freedom
Post by krp
Post by freedom
it's well known that you complain frequently. To date, you've sent
Post by freedom
Post by krp
Post by freedom
1000 complaints to Anet. Too bad you don't know my address
Post by freedom
Post by krp
Oh really? Seems that THAT didn't work when you complained about John
Reinhagen's website on Geocities about YOU did it? Let's see how many
complaints did you and Stacy make about that? A DAY? I sent some to
Post by freedom
Post by krp
not a thousand.
Ah, so you admit it. Why the need to send any complaints at all? This,
more than anything, demonstrates that there must be something at
http://www.aboutkenpangborn.com which you don't want people to see.
Oh Davey, *I* didn't send but one complaint
And again.....why send any, unless you were trying to conceal something?
Post by krp
because your claims THEN as
You've been given the opportunity to prove that a single claim at
http://www.aboutkenpangborn.com is false. If you can prove this, I have
agreed to immediately remove the site from the internet. One has to wonder
why you have yet to take me up on this?

They looked at your claims and threw you off. Others also
Post by krp
complained. Let see, on THOSE sites I was FAR from your only target. Besides
John Reinhagen and Joe O'Conner there were at least two dozen others you
attacks. Such as Judy McLinn, remember HER Davey? And all the VULGAR
sexually violent threats you made DIRECTLY to HER and her minor daughter?
Proud of that are you? How about the hacking of my private listserv Davey
and your threats of SEXUAL VIOLENCE against some of the womern there and the
CHILDREN of my users? PROUD of that are you? Remember, it was your threats
to one of the women that got her brothers on your ass, THAT is where the
photos of the hosue you NOW claim you NEVER lived in came from. So Davey,
it is isn't your house, when HOW could I threaten you? HOW could there be
pictures of your kids in the back yard as you claim? Think up a GOOD answer
Davey. Or should I say MAKE UP an answer. And WHO was the TWERP making
death threats by the phone from payphones by convinience markets in
BOlingboork Davey? The one that the cops have VIDEO of from a security
camera WEENIE! A little "TALK" seems to have stopped that BS didn't it
As I don't live in Bolingbrook, nor have I been anywhere near the place in
years, I would be unable to speculate about what enemies you might have
Post by krp
Post by freedom
Post by krp
Yes you have. The site itself makes the claim. Davey, in the United
States the ESQ after a name is for lawyers! But Davey, the name doesn't
appear in the Maryland phone books either. So your weaseling doesn't work
you sad little boy! Your bullshit don't hold up well when you TRY to take
Post by freedom
Post by krp
on do it Davey?
Again, information which is not disputed anywhere at
http://www.aboutkenpangborn.com. The site states ONLY that a usenet post
was credited to a person posting under this name.
The PERSON like so MANY on your website prove NOT TO EXIST Davey. Now,
maybe somebody could forgive you ONE fictional character. Maybe even
TWO........ Rainey? Wedlock? Johnson? The fake lawyer? If you want
CREDIBILITY Davey in your claims about me, then shouldn't you be SURE that
ALL the information is correct? Davey, let me treat you to a legal term
No thanks. If I want to learn about the law, I'll choose someone other
than a disbarred lawyer to teach me.
Post by krp
Post by freedom
Tell us again about the fictitious case number, complete with the web link
which doesn't show such a case existing?
It will be quite a project to get the report Davey. But why LIE about
it? Several others saw it and got a pdf on the filing.
Oh, yes. There are always "several others" who, oddly enough, never come
forward on their own and whom we only hear about through you (or your
various personas). I'm sure "John" and "Tom" and "Keith" and "Mark" will
back you up on this one. Of course, they're all you.
Post by krp
Post by freedom
Post by krp
Oh Davey Must I get the papers out again?
Sure, I'd love to see papers which show that there is a house at 226 N.
Pinecrest Road in Bolingbrook. It's been a while since I've been out that
way, but as I recall there are only about 15 feet of space between the
houses at 224 N. and 228 N. Definitely not room for another lot.
EXCUSE me it is 228 N. Pinecrest Davey... Gee I mistyped.
Davey what about getting fired from Sara Lee for your FORGERIES sent from
their server?
I never worked at "Sara Lee". This can and has also been confirmed in the
past, by others who have called that company's human resources department
and called your bluff. Also, anyone who knows the least bit about me knows
that said company isn't even the same industry in which I'm employed.

And how you WHINED that O'COnnor and I got you fired when in
Post by krp
reality was was their own "security" folks that nailed your ass for your ant
i-semitic ranting in the names of others? Remember those posts Davey that
came from YOU??? How about your hacking of my list and you posting details
on Usenet of the PRIVATE content of it to usenet? Any rationalization for
THAT Davey?
You really LOVE to PLAY the role of VICTIM.... Sociopaths ALWAYS do..
What of your HARASSMMENT of my professional organizations Davey? Such as
YOUR allegations that I was "CONVICTED" of rape and child sexual abuse? Any
You were convicted of statutory rape of a 16 year old girl in Wisconsin.
You also spent time in jail last year for domestic battery.
Post by krp
Post by freedom
Post by krp
No Davey, it was not terminated for abuse, it was closed when Tom
Post by freedom
Post by krp
to Costa Rica. Whis is NOT in South America as you claim but CENTRAL
America! At least the nation of Costa Rica thinks so. When they say "Cota
Rica a Central American Paradise." (And it is a GREAT place!)
I'm sure it is, and I'm sure "Tom" enjoys it there. Too bad he doesn't
exist anywhere outside of your imagination.
I suppose he does with his wife. He decided to retire there. I really
don't give a shit what you believe. You don't believe in Keith either but
you HARASSED the man at his office and his employees with your INSANE phone
calls. Sure he doesn't exist. Why call his office then? He's another guy who
wants a piece of your ass. COME ON DOWN braveheart. You with all your BIG
badass TALK. You are a COWARD David Moore. That is who and what you are. It
is the defining feature of your personality! You say all of these things
anonymously because you LACK the manhood to say it to MEN in
I have never posted anonymously. I've always openly and freely posted
about the fact that you have multiple personality disorder. I'm also
hardly the only person who discovered that all of these people are you. It
really helps when you don't screw it up like you did so many times.
Post by krp
THAT --- Moore is a chickenshit little COWARD! You will live with that all
the days of what YOU call a LIFE!

This from a 60-year old man who has no friends except for the ones he

2004-06-04 16:50:48 UTC
Post by freedom
I'm not "hiding" from anything. I post from a replyable e-mail address
(although it is munged to prevent spam.)
Oh come on Davey boy, you are hiding like the yellowbelly you are! You
are real good at making threats over the internet, you are a COWARD in
Yellow to the core.
Post by freedom
The reason you don't flood my ISP with complaints is because you have been
UNABLE to for the past four years, because you don't know who it is. And I
know how furious it makes you to not be able to harass someone into
Golly Dave you are using the FROG remailer! Think nobody knows what that
That works with the atheists, but not with normal people.
Post by freedom
Post by freedom
Post by freedom
So, I'll continue to tell the world what a fraud, child abuser, liar and
crook you are.
Anonymously of course
Nope....I have never had the need to post anonymously.
Post by freedom
Yes, all the stuff YOU wrote.
Nope, just compiled. Mostly from your very own posts and e-mails, with
testimonials from former clients of yours and other victims of your
Post by freedom
Post by freedom
Kind of an obsession with you. No Davey,
they read what YOU have INVENTED and those who know me know better that to
swallow your psychotic bullshit.
Ah, but what about people who don't know you, and are still in the stage of
deciding whether or not to do business with you? I know of several cases
where people were considering you, but took one look at
http://www.aboutkenpangborn.com and ran the other way
Sure Davey, you probably do. On the other hand I know many that hired me
BECAUSE of your website and your PSYCHO obsession with me.
Post by freedom
Seriously, how much business do you think your antics are costing you?
Not as much as you think in your delusional state Moore. I own 100% of
MY house. Paid for. I have a 2005 model car. I have brand new furniture PAID
How about you the king of bankruptcy? Keen on denying it Davey.
Post by freedom
You're not a very wise business person....after all, you've been given a
very simple avenue to get
Post by freedom
http://www.aboutkenpangborn.com taken down and have me out of your hair

All I have to do is submit to your BLACKMAIL. No Davey boy, that isn't the
way to get YOU out of my hair. You are like the ARab terrorist who tells a
captive all they have to do is read a statement and they will be set free.
Then they lop his head off. Birds of a feath Davey.. Your word has ALWAYS
not been worth a pil of cold dogcrap!
Post by freedom
Who's Robert?
<snicker> Your FRENCH personna Davey.
Post by freedom
Nope, I sure haven't. Haven't even set foot there for the better part of
two years.

Moore cut the shit, anyone can see you are STILL there. It is in the
public records. Why deby something so easily proven? Property records show
you at Pinecrast in Bolingbrook Davey. Now, here is an idea. Why don't you
claim that that property is just one of the MANY MANY MANY real estate
investment of the Moore empire? THAT would be good for a laugh l,ike you
claim to be the CEO of a Fortune 500 company with hundreeds of employees.
Davey for a time you worked for a shitty little TEMP company tell you were
FIRED, then you went on your own and your business failed.
Post by freedom
Post by freedom
Sorry Davey he is YOU, YOU are him.. NO such person EXISTED!!! You made
up a name and you used a LANDMARK near you as you OFTEN do.
Nope....just observed that a person by that name had a complaint about your
services. Just like other people, including Thomas Walsh and Steven Leuck.
People whom you acknowledged as former clients in your own internet posts,
when you engaged in conversation with/about them here on usenet.
Walsh was a client but HE never posted anything, just CLAIMS of things
he said from your buddy WILLLLLLBBBUUUURRRR! You know, the perenial JAILBIRD
who picks fights with cops and gets the crap beat out of him. CREDIBLE
DAVEY! Leuck is almost as nuts as you. Real, but nuts.
Post by freedom
Post by freedom
Shall we speak of your tenure as "JEFF JOHNSON?" Now who WAS Jeff Johnson?
Never heard of him.
Of course not Davey. One more LIE of Moore.
Post by freedom
Post by freedom
DAVEY remember this??? http://members.tripod.com/~freedom23 What
happened to it???

RUN LITTLE BOY RUN! Oh, by the way you were "JEFF JOHNSON" when you had that
website, REMEMBER?
Post by freedom
Post by freedom
YOU wrote that and appeneded it in one of your MANY MANY MANY forgeries to
me, as you have with dozenms of others from your ANONYMOUS REMAILERS Moore.
Wrong, the post in question traces right back to the AOL ladder, from your
PangK account (which has since been terminated for abuse).
David - please tell me, just HOW STUPID do you think people are? Anybody
can CUT a header from a REAL message, and then replace the original text
with different material not in the original. Now MAYBE if somebody wanted to
spend the better part of a DAY researching it, they might see that the
message ID on the first times back in 1997 you started with that post had a
COMPLETELY DIFFERENT AOL message ID from the one you use today. And there
ARE messages archived on Milwaukee general chastizing you back then because
that message did NOT appear in the Deja Vu search.. Make up your mind, did I
NUKE it back THEN, or, asswipe, did I fill out some FORM with Google? Which
is today's MOOREISM (lie)???
Post by freedom
Post by freedom
Except that I NEVER filled out ANY such form Davey. I didn't have to.
That post existed ONLY on the computer of DAVID MOORE! That is where it
originated and that is where it rests to this day!
Yeah, whatever, Ken. http://www.aboutkenpangborn.com contains proof that
you made the post. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to post the link
Nope it is just a NOT SO CLEVER cut and paste job Davey. With your own
creative writing added. You lifted things I said in several posts and then
added and deleted words and EVERYONE knows it. The clue Davey, is that if
people search the TEXT on Google for the soc.men newsgroup they can find
MOST of that text in my messages, just NOT on ONE message. So you've been
pounded on this MANY times over the years. Dozens of people, not just me,
have outed you as a LIAR on that, not the least of which were Jor O'Connon
and John Reinhagen, which is why you have their names on your website to
this day.
Post by freedom
Post by freedom
Post by freedom
Unfortunately for you, the post is still archived
It' is indede on YOUR Computer because THAT is where it originated, and
your website. It is a product of YOUR mind not mine!
Nope, it's archived on http://www.aboutkenpangborn.com.
It is there. But given that 90% of what is there is just the product of
your DISEASED MIND, that does NOT make it PROOF Davey! Just one more psycho
invention of yours Moore. One of many.
Post by freedom
Post by freedom
Ha ha ha ha ha. Oh Davey, the admin for Anet was wildly trying to defend
having it for a while till the heat of the bullshit got too warm for him.
Wrong. The biography of your history of lies, stalking and harassment did
exist on Anet, but was not under the domain name
http://www.aboutkenpangborn.com until I voluntarily moved the site. And,
contrary to your lies, the Anet staff did an admirable job of allowing my
free speech. In the end I decided to spare them your thousands of
complaints, and simply moved the site.
Post by freedom
In any case, the site has now been up for over four years. Not bad,
considering that you vowed that http://www.aboutkenpangborn.com would be
taken down by "noon on January 1, 2001" due to a supposed "Illinois law".
Yet another of your ominous deadlines which came and went, revealed as yet
another bluff.
Well that is what we were promised before a States Attorney chickened
Post by freedom
Post by freedom
Post by freedom
Post by krp
No answer for the Tripod, Geocities, and Skyport
ejections Davey? That makes it a bit MORE than a HALF truth don't it.
FIFTH ROUND opportunity to TRY to deny it.......... Notice NO
Post by freedom
Post by freedom
Oh Davey, *I* didn't send but one complaint
And again.....why send any, unless you were trying to conceal something?
Moore - WHY should somebody sit still with your LIES? On one had you
have often said that my complaints PROVBED beyone any doubt that you
allegatuons were 100% true, because if they weren't I'd be silent. And when
I don't complain you claim it is because I know they are true? WHICH of YOUR
delusions should I endorse? Which one of your psychotic episodes do you want
me believe is trye? How many people do you think believe you?
Post by freedom
You've been given the opportunity to prove that a single claim at
http://www.aboutkenpangborn.com is false. If you can prove this, I have
agreed to immediately remove the site from the internet. One has to wonder
why you have yet to take me up on this?
David over the years I have PROVED many are false. Your word is worth
less than a bucket of mildewed spit! You have NO honor at all. Not the
slightest shred of it. You are one of the most DISHONORABLE people I have
ever encountered.
Post by freedom
They looked at your claims and threw you off. Others also
Post by freedom
complained. Let see, on THOSE sites I was FAR from your only target. Besides
John Reinhagen and Joe O'Conner there were at least two dozen others you
attacks. Such as Judy McLinn, remember HER Davey? And all the VULGAR
sexually violent threats you made DIRECTLY to HER and her minor daughter?
Proud of that are you? How about the hacking of my private listserv Davey
and your threats of SEXUAL VIOLENCE against some of the womern there and the
CHILDREN of my users? PROUD of that are you? Remember, it was your threats
to one of the women that got her brothers on your ass, THAT is where the
photos of the hosue you NOW claim you NEVER lived in came from. So Davey,
it is isn't your house, when HOW could I threaten you? HOW could there be
pictures of your kids in the back yard as you claim? Think up a GOOD answer
Davey. Or should I say MAKE UP an answer. And WHO was the TWERP making
death threats by the phone from payphones by convinience markets in
BOlingboork Davey? The one that the cops have VIDEO of from a security
camera WEENIE! A little "TALK" seems to have stopped that BS didn't it
As I don't live in Bolingbrook, nor have I been anywhere near the place in
years, I would be unable to speculate about what enemies you might have
Moore you really ARE a piece of work.


Another David MOORE LIE exposed!
Post by freedom
Post by freedom
Post by freedom
Sure, I'd love to see papers which show that there is a house at 226 N.
Pinecrest Road in Bolingbrook. It's been a while since I've been out that
way, but as I recall there are only about 15 feet of space between the
houses at 224 N. and 228 N. Definitely not room for another lot.
EXCUSE me it is 228 N. Pinecrest Davey... Gee I mistyped.
Davey what about getting fired from Sara Lee for your FORGERIES sent from
their server?
I never worked at "Sara Lee". This can and has also been confirmed in the
past, by others who have called that company's human resources department
and called your bluff. Also, anyone who knows the least bit about me knows
that said company isn't even the same industry in which I'm employed.
Then WHY did you scream about me getting you FIRED from there? Why did
you THREATEN me? Why did you INVENT the claim that you only worked there as
a TEMP????????

Remember THESE words of YOURS Davey?

"> Oh, and btw....you might want to give a message to your friend oconner.
Post by freedom
He's been gloating around the newsgroups about having gotten me fired>
from my job....I should clarify the situation a little. I'm a >
consultant....meaning that I get sent to various companies to do work> for a
prescribed amount of time. In this case it was Saralee. My > contract was to
be finished at the end of January....jmoc's antics> simply caused it to end
about eight days early. I was never a Saralee> employee and therefore they
CANNOT fire me. I am an employee of a> consulting agency, which FWIW had me
working again at another company> within two days. I only bring this up
because I hear you and friends> rubbing it in about my "unemployment", and
think it's kinda odd.
NEVER worked there?
Post by freedom
Post by freedom
What of your HARASSMMENT of my professional organizations Davey? Such as
YOUR allegations that I was "CONVICTED" of rape and child sexual abuse? Any
You were convicted of statutory rape of a 16 year old girl in Wisconsin.
You also spent time in jail last year for domestic battery.
Again the challenge Davey, post PROOF........ Well you CANNOT because
you are lying your ASS off. But then that defines WHO and WHAT you are!

It is impossible to say DAVID MOORE without the word LIAR next to your name,
Post by freedom
I have never posted anonymously. I've always openly and freely posted
about the fact that you have multiple personality disorder. I'm also
hardly the only person who discovered that all of these people are you.
Post by freedom
really helps when you don't screw it up like you did so many times.
You know Davey you are FUNNY for a psuchopath that is. Here you whine
that you NEVER post anonymously or from an anonymous remialer FROM an
anonymous remailer anonymously. That only works with the MORONS in the
Atheism newsgroup. The idiots who can barely fiund the ON button on their
computers. For 99% of the people on the net you have them rolling on the
carpet laughing their ass off at your STUPID dodges.
Post by freedom
Post by freedom
THAT --- Moore is a chickenshit little COWARD! You will live with that all
the days of what YOU call a LIFE!
This from a 60-year old man who has no friends except for the ones he

Right Davey. Here the thing Davey BADASS, why don't you make an
appointment to come to my office sometime and speak with some of my FRIENDS
who don't exist? Oh you won't, you'd piss your pants before you got within a
thousand miles of here. I do have some ANTS in my front yard you could scare
Robert Gautier
2004-06-04 17:11:57 UTC
Post by krp
Post by freedom
Yes, it's the same Ken Pangborn. He also posts under other aliases,
including "KaiserDrvr" "Bulldogwow" and "John Gault".
WRONG Davey, since YOU have a LONG LONG LONG history of anonymous
remailer use
Kenneth you were elected as an official Kook of the Month. Your
reputation preceeds you Kookla.
2004-06-04 17:13:29 UTC
Post by Robert Gautier
Post by krp
Post by freedom
Yes, it's the same Ken Pangborn. He also posts under other aliases,
including "KaiserDrvr" "Bulldogwow" and "John Gault".
WRONG Davey, since YOU have a LONG LONG LONG history of anonymous
remailer use
Kenneth you were elected as an official Kook of the Month. Your
reputation preceeds you Kookla.
Hey Davey, ROBERT isn't supposed to be posting today, did you forget? You
aren't him! A LONG DEAD French poet.
Hirschfeld Sux
2004-06-02 02:11:59 UTC
Post by Editor -- Child Support News
Please take this thread the hell out of alt.child-support girls.
Please learn to use your filter.
2004-06-02 02:25:17 UTC
The biological father of Troll "Hirschfeld_Sux" should have learned to use
the ultimate filter: a condom.
Post by Hirschfeld Sux
In alt.dads-rights.unmoderated "Editor -- Child Support News"
Please take this thread the hell out of alt.child-support girls.
Please learn to use your filter.
Glad as Hell I'm Not Hirschfeld
2004-06-02 11:29:20 UTC
Post by TrashBBRT
The biological father of Troll "Hirschfeld_Sux" should have learned to use
the ultimate filter: a condom.
Post by Hirschfeld Sux
In alt.dads-rights.unmoderated "Editor -- Child Support News"
Please take this thread the hell out of alt.child-support girls.
Please learn to use your filter.
Are you still upset because your Mom told you your father's name was
"Seventh Fleet?"

Remember. Bob's not a lawyer. He's a spammer. Big difference.
Post by TrashBBRT
2004-06-02 22:00:18 UTC
Taking it to the U.S. Supreme Court:

Experienced Appellate counsel can draft and file upon signing, your
Petition for Certiorari to the United States Supreme Court,
from final Decision within the past 2 months of the State
Supreme Court or the Federal Circuit Court of Appeals.

See: http://www.supremecourtpetition.com


For videotaped information on self-representation in Court
at trial or on appeal at any level, see:

Hirschfeld Sux
2004-06-03 00:57:56 UTC
Where they will laugh more politely at you than the Arizona Supreme
Court did.

You're a great source of amusement for all.

Bob Hirschfeld, JD
2004-06-03 17:27:35 UTC
Post by Hirschfeld Sux
The second "Sux Site" listed above was shut down today within minutes of
notification/complaint to tripod,
and less than a day after it was initially set up.

The first "Sux Site" http://www.geocities.com/hirschfeld_sux/ was shut down
two days earlier by same means.

Anyone who can identify "hirschfeld_sux" for purposes of legal prosecution
of said troll is invited
to send such identification to me.

Bob Hirschfeld, JD
PO Box 696, Lukeville, AZ 85341

I provide genuine help in pro-se litigation, appeal brief writing, strategy.
Hirschfeld the Spammer Sux
2004-06-03 17:42:28 UTC
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
Post by Hirschfeld Sux
The second "Sux Site" listed above was shut down today within minutes of
notification/complaint to tripod,
and less than a day after it was initially set up.
The first "Sux Site" http://www.geocities.com/hirschfeld_sux/ was shut down
two days earlier by same means.
Not a problem, Bobby. Here's another one
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
Anyone who can identify "hirschfeld_sux" for purposes of legal prosecution
of said troll is invited to send such identification to me.
[yawn] When are you going to post that lawsuit for all of us to read,
Bob? Am I ruining your reputation?
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
Bob Hirschfeld, JD
PO Box 696, Lukeville, AZ 85341
I provide genuine help in pro-se litigation, appeal brief writing, strategy.
No you don't. Remember. Bob's not a lawyer. He's a spammer. Big


Here's a website you can NEVER shut down, you fat, slovenly spammer:
Bob Hirschfeld, JD
2004-06-03 19:48:25 UTC
"Hirschfeld the Spammer Sux" <***@yahoo.gov> wrote in message
(defamation deleted)
Post by Hirschfeld the Spammer Sux
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
Anyone who can identify "hirschfeld_sux" for purposes of legal prosecution
of said troll is invited to send such identification to me.
[yawn] When are you going to post that lawsuit for all of us to read,
Bob? Am I ruining your reputation?
You, despicable troll, will be the first to read "that lawsuit" when you are
personally served.
Just post your real name and physical location, and I shall be happy to
arrange that.
You have no fear of identifying yourself, eh, since you falsely claim the
of "Truth"? How about we let the judge decide that?
Post by Hirschfeld the Spammer Sux
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
Bob Hirschfeld, JD
PO Box 696, Lukeville, AZ 85341
I provide genuine help in pro-se litigation, appeal brief writing, strategy.
Existence of Zlaket's lies does nothing to reduce the value and
which I still provide to litigants who represent themselves. Those who
know from personal experience how corrupt some judges are, will
recognize the dishonesty of departed Chief Justice Zlaket.
Hirschfeld Sucks
2004-06-04 01:16:10 UTC
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
(defamation deleted)
Post by Hirschfeld the Spammer Sux
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
Anyone who can identify "hirschfeld_sux" for purposes of legal
Post by Hirschfeld the Spammer Sux
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
of said troll is invited to send such identification to me.
[yawn] When are you going to post that lawsuit for all of us to read,
Bob? Am I ruining your reputation?
You, despicable troll,
Despicable? That's a description reserved solely for you, Bob. I

"We wish to be clear about why he is being disbarred. It is because he
has lied to judges, cheated and abandoned clients, and acted in
despicable ways toward his opponents. Respondent has manifested an
unabashed willingness to violate court rules, ethical precepts, and
even common decency in pursuit of his perceived goals."

You're in over your head, old timer. Why not give up your spamming
2004-06-04 17:08:12 UTC
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
Post by Hirschfeld the Spammer Sux
[yawn] When are you going to post that lawsuit for all of us to read,
Bob? Am I ruining your reputation?
You, despicable troll, will be the first to read "that lawsuit" when you are
personally served.
Bobby the TRUTH is an ABSOLUTE DEFENSE you KNOW that! It is public record
that you are a CONVICTED LIAR!
Only a fool would fear a lawsuit from you except for the massive amount of
time and legal bills they would have to endure dealing with your madness.
Hirschfeld Sucks
2004-06-04 17:14:08 UTC
Post by krp
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
Post by Hirschfeld the Spammer Sux
[yawn] When are you going to post that lawsuit for all of us to read,
Bob? Am I ruining your reputation?
You, despicable troll, will be the first to read "that lawsuit" when you
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
personally served.
Bobby the TRUTH is an ABSOLUTE DEFENSE you KNOW that! It is public record
that you are a CONVICTED LIAR!
Only a fool would fear a lawsuit from you except for the massive amount of
time and legal bills they would have to endure dealing with your madness.
I wonder if he really has a beach house down there. I guess I'd take
that. And his video equipment, which I would burn, so that it might
never again defile the world with its evil output.
2004-06-04 17:44:34 UTC
Post by Hirschfeld Sucks
Post by krp
Bobby the TRUTH is an ABSOLUTE DEFENSE you KNOW that! It is public record
that you are a CONVICTED LIAR!
Only a fool would fear a lawsuit from you except for the massive amount of
time and legal bills they would have to endure dealing with your madness.
I wonder if he really has a beach house down there. I guess I'd take
that. And his video equipment, which I would burn, so that it might
never again defile the world with its evil output.
Bobby don't look now but the Arizona Supreme Court found you to be a chronic
LIAR and your appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court was thrown out as soon as
they could get the justices to stop laughing at you!

Bob Hirschfeld, JD
2004-06-04 17:52:44 UTC
Post by Hirschfeld Sucks
I wonder if he really has a beach house down there. I guess I'd take
that. And his video equipment, which I would burn, so that it might
never again defile the world with its evil output.
There are no executable, free and clear assets in my name for trolls like
you to seize.
But you've got it backwards, "sux", it is your assets that are now at risk.


They're closing in on "Sux". He seems not to be able to control his
keyboard Diarrhea by which they're tracking his physical self.

Increasingly panicked Troll "Sux" aka "You Know Who" ***@who.gov
has begun adding to his most
recent posts, a suggestion that I "kill myself". A Court may
interpret these not only as defamations, but as criminal death threats.

Troll "Hirschfeld_Sux" is hiding. From his location, he expects readers to
simply take his lies at face value. He claims that truth is established by
the judicial branch of our government. Yet he quakes in fear of
being brought before a Court by me, to test whether his public
defamations constitute libel.

I earnestly request that anyone knowing or suspecting who the
non-credible "Hirschfeld_Sux" is, communicate to me such
information. Let's test "Sux" in Court. Let's punish him for
spreading his venomous lies. Let's see how the Court treats
his repeated published death threats / urgings of suicide!


Robert A. Hirschfeld, JD
PO Box 696, Lukeville AZ 85341
MX Tel. 011 52 638 382 0214
Bob Hirschfeld, JD
2004-06-04 17:47:14 UTC
Post by krp
Only a fool would fear a lawsuit from you except for the massive amount of
time and legal bills they would have to endure dealing with your madness.
Sounds good so far. "Sux" is such a fool. Perhaps so is "KRP".
2004-06-04 17:58:57 UTC
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
Post by krp
Only a fool would fear a lawsuit from you except for the massive amount of
time and legal bills they would have to endure dealing with your madness.
Sounds good so far. "Sux" is such a fool. Perhaps so is "KRP".
Maybe I aam not. Tell you what Bob why don't you put it to the test? You
know where I live. You're dumb enough to take me on.
Bob Hirschfeld, JD
2004-06-03 17:43:33 UTC
Post by Hirschfeld Sux
The second "Sux Site" listed above was shut down today within minutes of
notification/complaint to tripod,
and less than a day after it was initially set up.

The first "Sux Site" http://www.geocities.com/hirschfeld_sux/ was shut down
two days earlier by same means.

Anyone who can identify "hirschfeld_sux" for purposes of legal prosecution
of said troll is invited
to send such identification to me.

Bob Hirschfeld, JD
PO Box 696, Lukeville, AZ 85341

I provide genuine help in pro-se litigation, appeal brief writing, strategy.
2004-06-03 17:55:38 UTC
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
Post by Hirschfeld Sux
The second "Sux Site" listed above was shut down today within minutes of
notification/complaint to tripod,
and less than a day after it was initially set up.
"We wish to be clear about why he is being disbarred. It is because he
has lied to judges, cheated and abandoned clients, and acted in
despicable ways toward his opponents. Respondent has manifested an
unabashed willingness to violate court rules, ethical precepts, and
even common decency in pursuit of his perceived goals."


When are you going to shut down the Arizona Supreme Court site,

You gonna "personally" serve them too?
Bob Hirschfeld, JD
2004-06-03 20:16:28 UTC
Post by Hirschfeld_Sux
"We wish to be clear about why he is being disbarred. It is because he
has lied to judges, cheated and abandoned clients, and acted in
despicable ways toward his opponents. Respondent has manifested an
unabashed willingness to violate court rules, ethical precepts, and
even common decency in pursuit of his perceived goals."
When are you going to shut down the Arizona Supreme Court site,
You gonna "personally" serve them too?
The Arizona Supreme Court site merely quotes the wrongful words
of former AZ Chief Justice Zlaket, whose manifest dishonesty has
apparently led to Zlaket's departure from that court under suspicious
circumstances. It is likely that future litigation will effect the quashing
or the radical change of Zlaket's gratuitous lies about me.

Arizona's Supreme Court Justices are mostly not the ones that
existed in the mid 1990's. One need not "serve" them in a tort suit.
Zlaket is immune, but cannot prevent public revelation of his misconduct.
My corrective action, when it occurs, will undoubtedly be an ordinary
judicial process addressed formally to the new AZ Supreme Court panel,
filed with, not "served" upon that Court, and dealing with that Court's
supervisory power over the State Bar.

Beyond that, I certainly will not discuss such future matters with a lying,
unidentified Troll, such as herein. Meanwhile, anyone wishing to
assist me in locating and serving a separate defamation tort suit upon the
person hiding as "Hirschfeld_Sux", may send such identification
to me at:

Robert Hirschfeld, PO Box 696, Lukeville AZ 85341
Tel (MX) 011 52 638 382 0214
You Know Who
2004-06-04 01:17:57 UTC
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
Post by Hirschfeld_Sux
"We wish to be clear about why he is being disbarred. It is because he
has lied to judges, cheated and abandoned clients, and acted in
despicable ways toward his opponents. Respondent has manifested an
unabashed willingness to violate court rules, ethical precepts, and
even common decency in pursuit of his perceived goals."
When are you going to shut down the Arizona Supreme Court site,
You gonna "personally" serve them too?
The Arizona Supreme Court site merely quotes the wrongful words
of former AZ Chief Justice Zlaket,
You wish they were wrongful, but in fact they are the Truth, and
public Record. They describe you adequately.

"We wish to be clear about why he is being disbarred. It is because he
has lied to judges, cheated and abandoned clients, and acted in
despicable ways toward his opponents. Respondent has manifested an
unabashed willingness to violate court rules, ethical precepts, and
even common decency in pursuit of his perceived goals."

Liar. Cheat. Rule violator. Unethical. And my favorite, lacking in
common decency. Go hang yourself, you fat spamming pig. Do it now.

Hirschfeld Sucks <***@yahoo.gov>
Bob Hirschfeld, JD
2004-06-04 08:56:44 UTC
Post by You Know Who
Go hang yourself, you fat spamming pig. Do it now.
Increasingly panicked Troll "Sux" aka "You Know Who" ***@who.gov
has begun adding to his most
recent posts, a suggestion that I "kill myself". A Court may
interpret these not only as defamations, but as criminal death threats.

Troll "Hirschfeld_Sux" is hiding. From his location, he expects readers to
simply take his lies at face value. He claims that truth is established by
the judicial branch of our government. Yet he quakes in fear of
being brought before a Court by me, to test whether his public
defamations constitute libel.

I earnestly request that anyone knowing or suspecting who the
non-credible "Hirschfeld_Sux" is, communicate to me such
information. Let's test "Sux" in Court. Let's punish him for
spreading his venomous lies. Let's see how the Court treats
his repeated published death threats / urgings of suicide!


Robert A. Hirschfeld, JD
PO Box 696, Lukeville AZ 85341
MX Tel. 011 52 638 382 0214
Hirschfeld Twisting In the Wind
2004-06-04 11:48:37 UTC
Post by You Know Who
Go hang yourself, you fat spamming pig. Do it now.
has begun adding to his most recent posts, a suggestion that I "kill myself".
And it's a good suggestion, too. Are you going to amend your tort now?
A Court may
interpret these not only as defamations, but as criminal death threats.
Hmmmm. *I'm* "threatening" you with suicide? ROFL That would give the
judge a good laugh.

Why don't you do it, Bob? It'll only take a moment in the privacy of
your closet. Lord knows all your belts are long enough to do the job.


So what court are you going to sue me in, Blubbery One? Are you even
ALLOWED in court any more? Are you going to send invitations to the
people looking for you, or just hope they don't show up?
Bob Hirschfeld, JD
2004-06-04 15:04:29 UTC
They're closing in on "Sux". He seems not to be able to control his
keyboard Diarrhea by which they're tracking his physical self.

Increasingly panicked Troll "Sux" aka "You Know Who" ***@who.gov
has begun adding to his most
recent posts, a suggestion that I "kill myself". A Court may
interpret these not only as defamations, but as criminal death threats.

Troll "Hirschfeld_Sux" is hiding. From his location, he expects readers to
simply take his lies at face value. He claims that truth is established by
the judicial branch of our government. Yet he quakes in fear of
being brought before a Court by me, to test whether his public
defamations constitute libel.

I earnestly request that anyone knowing or suspecting who the
non-credible "Hirschfeld_Sux" is, communicate to me such
information. Let's test "Sux" in Court. Let's punish him for
spreading his venomous lies. Let's see how the Court treats
his repeated published death threats / urgings of suicide!


Robert A. Hirschfeld, JD
PO Box 696, Lukeville AZ 85341
MX Tel. 011 52 638 382 0214
Hirschfeld Sucks
2004-06-04 16:09:33 UTC
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
They're closing in on "Sux".
They must be hearing the laughter.
Bob Hirschfeld, JD
2004-06-04 17:54:19 UTC
Post by Hirschfeld Sucks
In alt.dads-rights.unmoderated "Bob Hirschfeld, JD"
They're closing in on "Sux".
They must be hearing the laughter.
Gallows laughter? Keep it up, "Sux"

They're closing in on "Sux". He seems not to be able to control his
keyboard Diarrhea by which they're tracking his physical self.

Increasingly panicked Troll "Sux" aka "You Know Who" ***@who.gov
has begun adding to his most
recent posts, a suggestion that I "kill myself". A Court may
interpret these not only as defamations, but as criminal death threats.

Troll "Hirschfeld_Sux" is hiding. From his location, he expects readers to
simply take his lies at face value. He claims that truth is established by
the judicial branch of our government. Yet he quakes in fear of
being brought before a Court by me, to test whether his public
defamations constitute libel.

I earnestly request that anyone knowing or suspecting who the
non-credible "Hirschfeld_Sux" is, communicate to me such
information. Let's test "Sux" in Court. Let's punish him for
spreading his venomous lies. Let's see how the Court treats
his repeated published death threats / urgings of suicide!


Robert A. Hirschfeld, JD
PO Box 696, Lukeville AZ 85341
MX Tel. 011 52 638 382 0214
Bob Hirschfeld, JD
2004-06-04 09:02:34 UTC
Post by You Know Who
Go hang yourself, you fat spamming pig. Do it now.
Increasingly panicked Troll "Sux" has begun adding to his most
recent posts, a suggestion that I "kill myself". A Court may
interpret these not only as defamations, but as criminal death threats.

Troll "Hirschfeld_Sux" is hiding. From his location, he expects readers to
simply take his lies at face value. He claims that truth is established by
the judicial branch of our government. Yet he quakes in fear of
being brought before a Court by me, to test whether his public
defamations constitute libel.

I earnestly request that anyone knowing or suspecting who the
non-credible "Hirschfeld_Sux" is, communicate to me such
information. Let's test "Sux" in Court. Let's punish him for
spreading his venomous lies. Let's see how the Court treats
his repeated published death threats / urgings of suicide!


Robert A. Hirschfeld, JD
PO Box 696, Lukeville AZ 85341
MX Tel. 011 52 638 382 0214
Another Good Suggestion
2004-06-04 11:50:40 UTC
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
Post by You Know Who
Go hang yourself, you fat spamming pig. Do it now.
Increasingly panicked Troll "Sux" has begun adding to his most
recent posts, a suggestion that I "kill myself".
Obviously, you've not taken the suggestion, since you're still

Too bad.
Bob Hirschfeld, JD
2004-06-04 15:06:25 UTC
Post by Another Good Suggestion
In alt.dads-rights.unmoderated "Bob Hirschfeld, JD"
Post by You Know Who
Go hang yourself, you fat spamming pig. Do it now.
Increasingly panicked Troll "Sux" has begun adding to his most
recent posts, a suggestion that I "kill myself".
Obviously, you've not taken the suggestion, since you're still
Too bad.

Increasingly panicked Troll "Sux" aka "You Know Who" ***@who.gov
has begun adding to his most
recent posts, a suggestion that I "kill myself". A Court may
interpret these not only as defamations, but as criminal death threats.

Troll "Hirschfeld_Sux" is hiding. From his location, he expects readers to
simply take his lies at face value. He claims that truth is established by
the judicial branch of our government. Yet he quakes in fear of
being brought before a Court by me, to test whether his public
defamations constitute libel.

I earnestly request that anyone knowing or suspecting who the
non-credible "Hirschfeld_Sux" is, communicate to me such
information. Let's test "Sux" in Court. Let's punish him for
spreading his venomous lies. Let's see how the Court treats
his repeated published death threats / urgings of suicide!


Robert A. Hirschfeld, JD
PO Box 696, Lukeville AZ 85341
MX Tel. 011 52 638 382 0214
Hirschfeld Sucks
2004-06-04 16:10:07 UTC
In alt.dads-rights.unmoderated "Bob Hirschfeld, JD"
Post by You Know Who
Go hang yourself, you fat spamming pig. Do it now.
Increasingly panicked Troll "Sux" has begun adding to his most
recent posts, a suggestion that I "kill myself".
When will you take my advice? Think of the children!
Bob Hirschfeld, JD
2004-06-04 17:57:25 UTC
Post by Hirschfeld Sucks
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
Post by You Know Who
Go hang yourself, you fat spamming pig. Do it now.
Increasingly panicked Troll "Sux" has begun adding to his most
recent posts, a suggestion that I "kill myself".
When will you take my advice? Think of the children!
Your advice advocating my death, howsoever inflicted? Keep up your
criminal posts, they are to be used against you, "Sux," in Court.

They're closing in on "Sux". He seems not to be able to control his
keyboard Diarrhea by which they're tracking his physical self.

Increasingly panicked Troll "Sux" aka "You Know Who" ***@who.gov
has begun adding to his most
recent posts, a suggestion that I "kill myself". A Court may
interpret these not only as defamations, but as criminal death threats.

Troll "Hirschfeld_Sux" is hiding. From his location, he expects readers to
simply take his lies at face value. He claims that truth is established by
the judicial branch of our government. Yet he quakes in fear of
being brought before a Court by me, to test whether his public
defamations constitute libel.

I earnestly request that anyone knowing or suspecting who the
non-credible "Hirschfeld_Sux" is, communicate to me such
information. Let's test "Sux" in Court. Let's punish him for
spreading his venomous lies. Let's see how the Court treats
his repeated published death threats / urgings of suicide!


Robert A. Hirschfeld, JD
PO Box 696, Lukeville AZ 85341
MX Tel. 011 52 638 382 0214
Bob Hirschfeld, JD
2004-06-04 00:41:35 UTC
"You Know Who" <***@who.us> wrote in message

Troll "Hirschfeld_Sux" is hiding. From his location, he expects readers to
simply take his lies at face value. He claims that truth is established by
the judicial branch of our government. Yet he quakes in fear of
being brought before a Court by me, to test whether his public
defamations constitute libel.

I earnestly request that anyone knowing or suspecting who the
non-credible "Hirschfeld_Sux" is, communicate to me such
information. Let's test "Sux" in Court. Let's punish him for
spreading his venomous lies.


Robert A. Hirschfeld, JD
PO Box 696, Lukeville AZ 85341
MX Tel. 011 52 638 382 0214
Robert Gautier
2004-06-04 17:09:36 UTC
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
Troll "Hirschfeld_Sux" is hiding. From his location, he expects readers to
simply take his lies at face value. He claims that truth is established by
the judicial branch of our government. Yet he quakes in fear of
being brought before a Court by me, to test whether his public
defamations constitute libel.
I earnestly request that anyone knowing or suspecting who the
non-credible "Hirschfeld_Sux" is, communicate to me such
information. Let's test "Sux" in Court. Let's punish him for
spreading his venomous lies.
Robert A. Hirschfeld, JD
PO Box 696, Lukeville AZ 85341
MX Tel. 011 52 638 382 0214
My first guess would be the trial consultant Kenneth R. Pangborn
since what you do takes money away from his scam operation that is
written about at http://www.aboutkenpangborn.com. His nephew was
disbarred from practicing law for similar stunts.
2004-06-04 17:11:57 UTC
Post by Robert Gautier
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
Troll "Hirschfeld_Sux" is hiding. From his location, he expects readers to
simply take his lies at face value. He claims that truth is established by
the judicial branch of our government. Yet he quakes in fear of
being brought before a Court by me, to test whether his public
defamations constitute libel.
My first guess would be the trial consultant Kenneth R. Pangborn
since what you do takes money away from his scam operation that is
written about at http://www.aboutkenpangborn.com. His nephew was
disbarred from practicing law for similar stunts.
Moore you have betrayed yourself. You were just asking who ROBERT
WAS................. YOU!!
Bob Hirschfeld, JD
2004-06-03 19:12:39 UTC
"krp" <***@verizon.net> wrote in message news:a9Fuc.14164$***@nwrddc01.gnilink.net...

(Pangborn's defamatory lies deleted)

If you look carefully, Mr. Pangborn, you will find that NOWHERE in these
recent threads did I INITIATE reference to Kenneth R. Pangborn.
You are hereby challenged to accurately quote any INITIAL reference
by me to you. I have successfully resisted
writing anything publicly about you for decades. The problem, Mr. Pangborn,
is that so many smelly shoes fit you, that you take them personally even
when made for the feet of someone else.
Now that you have drawn your own personal enemies
to this thread, along with their promotion of their own websites aimed at
your deflation, I wish you luck. Unlike the "Sux" character, your physical
whereabouts and long defamatory history are generally in the public record.
This is your chance to cease your newly-lit incendiaries against me.

By the way, I have had no beard for some time, have never spent any time in
Mexican Mountains, (I reside as close to sea level in my beach home, as you
reside in Florida), and the history of my ancient battles
against the crooks of the AZ bench and bar, are public information of which
I am proud. I have no apology or the
judicial lies upon which my disbarment was procured.. Your accounts of
long-ago late-night
conversations with me are the type of imaginitive dishonesty for which you
are famous. Your veiled nonsense about my having only one false-abuse
victory is easily refuted by my multiple, important, successful
false-accusation cases for which
histories or written judicial documents have for years been published in the

On the other hand, of my judicial enemies who put their fabrications about
me in the public record, the worst of the judges in Arizona died of lung
cancer before I could publicize his personal history of alcoholism and
beating his children, and
the Chief Justice of the AZ Supreme Court who wrote the lies in his
disbarment opinion regarding me, has apparently "retired" in disgrace,
before I published the record of his punishment for dishonesty while he
was still in law school.

Unlike you, Mr. Pangborn, I have had a solid, ten year history as a
practicing fathers' rights attorney, of which I am proud. Over a
thousand children retained their relationships with their fathers, because
of my decade's work. I am responsible for
changing certain parts of Arizona's domestic relations and juvenile laws,
all on the public record. I stopped Arizona CPS' cross-ethnic adoption
prohibition. I stopped misuse of the Penile Plethymograph in Arizona
(a testing procedure apparenly advocated by you). I protected a young
father from judicial overruling of his fifth amendment rights. In two
cases, I obtained sole custody for fathers when the mother(s) had
physically sexually molested small children in their attempt(s) to secure
custody for themselves. I am certainly not perfect,
but your yowling cannot take from me these and many
other real achievements in my ten years as an Attorney.

Obviously, you cannot joust with me publicly without immediately attracting
the hordes of your own enemies. You would be well advised to seek a lesser
adversary than me.

Best Regards,

Bob Hirschfeld, JD
PO Box 696, Lukeville AZ 85341
MX Tel: 011 52 638 382 0214
2004-06-03 22:13:58 UTC
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
(Pangborn's defamatory lies deleted)
If you look carefully, Mr. Pangborn, you will find that NOWHERE in these
recent threads did I INITIATE reference to Kenneth R. Pangborn.
You are hereby challenged to accurately quote any INITIAL reference
by me to you.
Good luck with that. I've been challenging Pangborn to provide a single
shred of evidence for any of his numerous lies about me for the past six
years. I own the http://www.aboutkenpangborn.com website (feel free to
spread the URL around as you please) and I have had a standing offer to
take the site off the net if he can do so.

I have successfully resisted
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
writing anything publicly about you for decades. The problem, Mr. Pangborn,
is that so many smelly shoes fit you, that you take them personally even
when made for the feet of someone else.
Now that you have drawn your own personal enemies
to this thread, along with their promotion of their own websites aimed at
your deflation, I wish you luck. Unlike the "Sux" character, your physical
whereabouts and long defamatory history are generally in the public record.
This is your chance to cease your newly-lit incendiaries against me.
By the way, I have had no beard for some time, have never spent any time in
Mexican Mountains, (I reside as close to sea level in my beach home, as you
reside in Florida), and the history of my ancient battles
against the crooks of the AZ bench and bar, are public information of which
I am proud. I have no apology or the
judicial lies upon which my disbarment was procured.. Your accounts of
long-ago late-night
conversations with me are the type of imaginitive dishonesty for which you
are famous. Your veiled nonsense about my having only one false-abuse
victory is easily refuted by my multiple, important, successful
false-accusation cases for which
histories or written judicial documents have for years been published in the
That's Ken for you. Some of his more entertaining yarns about me include
the California judge who issued a "1000 mile restraining order" against me,
and the claim that I once blackmailed women into having sex with me by
impersonating, of all things, "an AOL postmaster". Naturally the world is
still awaiting proof of these and other fables.
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
On the other hand, of my judicial enemies who put their fabrications about
me in the public record, the worst of the judges in Arizona died of lung
cancer before I could publicize his personal history of alcoholism and
beating his children, and
the Chief Justice of the AZ Supreme Court who wrote the lies in his
disbarment opinion regarding me, has apparently "retired" in disgrace,
before I published the record of his punishment for dishonesty while he
was still in law school.
Unlike you, Mr. Pangborn, I have had a solid, ten year history as a
practicing fathers' rights attorney, of which I am proud. Over a
thousand children retained their relationships with their fathers, because
of my decade's work. I am responsible for
changing certain parts of Arizona's domestic relations and juvenile laws,
all on the public record. I stopped Arizona CPS' cross-ethnic adoption
prohibition. I stopped misuse of the Penile Plethymograph in Arizona
(a testing procedure apparenly advocated by you). I protected a young
father from judicial overruling of his fifth amendment rights. In two
cases, I obtained sole custody for fathers when the mother(s) had
physically sexually molested small children in their attempt(s) to secure
custody for themselves. I am certainly not perfect,
but your yowling cannot take from me these and many
other real achievements in my ten years as an Attorney.
Obviously, you cannot joust with me publicly without immediately attracting
the hordes of your own enemies. You would be well advised to seek a lesser
adversary than me.
Ken would have everyone believe that his enemies on the internet are all a
single person. He often identifies other people as me, even when they are
clearly not. Ironically, it's Ken who frequently masquerades as other
personas, several of which he outted HIMSELF on through his incompetence
(John Gault, Kaiserdrvr, Bulldogwow, Mark, etc.) See
http://www.aboutkenpangborn.com for more details.
2004-06-04 14:01:26 UTC
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
(Pangborn's defamatory lies deleted)
If you look carefully, Mr. Pangborn, you will find that NOWHERE in these
recent threads did I INITIATE reference to Kenneth R. Pangborn.
You are hereby challenged to accurately quote any INITIAL reference
by me to you. I have successfully resisted
writing anything publicly about you for decades. The problem, Mr. Pangborn,
is that so many smelly shoes fit you, that you take them personally even
when made for the feet of someone else.
Now that you have drawn your own personal enemies
to this thread, along with their promotion of their own websites aimed at
your deflation, I wish you luck. Unlike the "Sux" character, your physical
whereabouts and long defamatory history are generally in the public record.
This is your chance to cease your newly-lit incendiaries against me.
It was an attach from your TRASH RABBIT addy Bob. Bob the things I have
commented on are established FACT and we both know it. If you are PLAYING
lawyer and implying legal action Bob, BRING IT ON..... If you wish a legal
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
By the way, I have had no beard for some time, have never spent any time in
Mexican Mountains, (I reside as close to sea level in my beach home, as you
reside in Florida), and the history of my ancient battles
against the crooks of the AZ bench and bar, are public information of which
I am proud. I have no apology or the
judicial lies upon which my disbarment was procured.. Your accounts of
long-ago late-night
conversations with me are the type of imaginitive dishonesty for which you
are famous. Your veiled nonsense about my having only one false-abuse
victory is easily refuted by my multiple, important, successful
false-accusation cases for which
histories or written judicial documents have for years been published in the
But your great victories are LIES Bob! Obtained by FRAUD. It all
everyone else's fault is it Bob? Never you!
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
On the other hand, of my judicial enemies who put their fabrications about
me in the public record, the worst of the judges in Arizona died of lung
cancer before I could publicize his personal history of alcoholism and
beating his children, and
the Chief Justice of the AZ Supreme Court who wrote the lies in his
disbarment opinion regarding me, has apparently "retired" in disgrace,
before I published the record of his punishment for dishonesty while he
was still in law school.
Funny thing Bob, MANY of your clients were the ones who brought the bar
complaints. I know another lawyer who was recently suspended form the
practice of law, in his case he has NEVER had a complaint from a CLIENT in
38 years of practice. The complaint? From a prosecutor who LOST!
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
Unlike you, Mr. Pangborn, I have had a solid, ten year history as a
practicing fathers' rights attorney, of which I am proud.
HA....... SOlidly BAD according to the dads in Arizona...
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
Over a thousand children retained their relationships with their fathers,
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
of my decade's work. I am responsible for
changing certain parts of Arizona's domestic relations and juvenile laws,
all on the public record. I stopped Arizona CPS' cross-ethnic adoption
prohibition. I stopped misuse of the Penile Plethymograph in Arizona
(a testing procedure apparenly advocated by you). I protected a young
father from judicial overruling of his fifth amendment rights. In two
cases, I obtained sole custody for fathers when the mother(s) had
physically sexually molested small children in their attempt(s) to secure
custody for themselves. I am certainly not perfect,
but your yowling cannot take from me these and many
other real achievements in my ten years as an Attorney.
Hirschfeld what YOU understand about the PPG could be placed on the last
molecule of the point of a pin and have spare room left over! I would never
say you have never done anything positive Bob, but your exaggerations and
misrepresentations about yourself, coupled with your ENTIRELY ego centric
behavior that has been so destrive within the movement, does not earn you
ANY respect at all.
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
Obviously, you cannot joust with me publicly without immediately attracting
the hordes of your own enemies. You would be well advised to seek a lesser
adversary than me.
Hate to tell you Bob, Moore is 10 times the adversary that YOU are. The
record on you is absolute.There is a little wiggle room for Moore.
Bob Hirschfeld, JD
2004-06-04 15:33:04 UTC
Post by krp
Hirschfeld what YOU understand about the PPG could be placed on the last
molecule of the point of a pin and have spare room left over!
Ah yes, Pangborn still supports the use of a tumescence measuring penis
ring, the
Penile Plethysmograph, on pre-pubescent boys held by juvenile courts in a
environment, to support the sick sexual imaginings of certain judges,
hospital employees,
"Child Protective" agents.

Pangborn's favorite PPG apparatus was prohibited for such minors in Arizona
by the
Appellate Courts, the legislature, and public opinion, because of my legal
representing one of the PPG victims and his mother. The entire $2
Phoenix Memorial Hospital "Sexuality and Addiction" program for Juveniles
primarily inflicted PPG upon such juvenile boys, was closed within several
of the public exposure of the scientifically worthless practice.
Pangborn made part of his income in those days
by kickbacks from an East Coast fraudulent PPG practitioner, to whom
referred fathers accused of molestation to "prove" that they had no sexual
in minors. Typical Pangborn Fraud.
Post by krp
I would never
say you have never done anything positive Bob, but your exaggerations and
misrepresentations about yourself, coupled with your ENTIRELY ego centric
behavior that has been so destrive within the movement, does not earn you
ANY respect at all.
I do not seek respect from Pangborn, who destroyed his own credibility
decades ago.
Post by krp
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
Obviously, you cannot joust with me publicly without immediately
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
the hordes of your own enemies. You would be well advised to seek a lesser
adversary than me.
Hate to tell you Bob, Moore is 10 times the adversary that YOU are. The
record on you is absolute.There is a little wiggle room for Moore.
Pangborn deserves the dogged, decades-long exposure and opposition from his
huge number of online detractors, of which one may be named "Moore". I don't
waste my time with Pangborn, unless he emerges from his kennel and barks
at me. No doubt "Moore" will be pleased at Pangborn's admission quoted
above, regarding "Moore's" persistence and apparent credibility.

Once again, Pangborn would be well advised to seek a lesser adversary than

Bob Hirschfeld, JD
PO Box 696, Lukeville AZ 85341
MX Tel 011 52 638 382 0214
2004-06-04 17:04:01 UTC
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
Post by krp
Hirschfeld what YOU understand about the PPG could be placed on the last
molecule of the point of a pin and have spare room left over!
Ah yes, Pangborn still supports the use of a tumescence measuring penis
ring, the
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
Penile Plethysmograph, on pre-pubescent boys held by juvenile courts in a
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
environment, to support the sick sexual imaginings of certain judges,
hospital employees,
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
"Child Protective" agents.
No Bob, I support its use by QUALIFIED experts and NOT on children.
Remember YOU tried to use a Socxial Worker as an EXPERT for you. The people
I work with all have a Ph.D. or an MD. Yep I do support its use when used by
QUALIFIED experts and is used appropriately within medical guidelines.
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
Pangborn's favorite PPG apparatus was prohibited for such minors in
Arizona by the
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
Appellate Courts, the legislature, and public opinion, because of my legal
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
representing one of the PPG victims and his mother. The entire $2
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
Phoenix Memorial Hospital "Sexuality and Addiction" program for Juveniles
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
primarily inflicted PPG upon such juvenile boys, was closed within several
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
of the public exposure of the scientifically worthless practice. Pangborn
made part of his income in those days
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
by kickbacks from an East Coast fraudulent PPG practitioner, to whom
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
referred fathers accused of molestation to "prove" that they had no sexual
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
in minors. Typical Pangborn Fraud.
WHO would that "EAST COAST fraudulent practitioner" be? Got a NAME for
us Bobby? Let's get something straight, the "program" you refer to was a
rogue operation devised by a UNQUALIFIED social worker. The guy should have
been neutered for what hee did in his CRACKPOT "averseion therapy? program,
or at least sent to prison for sexual abuse of the boys in his little
"experiment." That ANY medical device can be ABUSED, Bob is NO secret. Say
Bob, we STILL use the PPG quite effectively. But as ALWAYS Bob, you believe
yourself to be this GREAT EXPERT on nearly everything. But this is a case of
you not knowing what you don't know. Your ignorance level on this subject is
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
I do not seek respect from Pangborn, who destroyed his own credibility
decades ago.
I have FAR more than YOU Bob!
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
Post by krp
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
Obviously, you cannot joust with me publicly without immediately attracting
the hordes of your own enemies. You would be well advised to seek a lesser
adversary than me.
Hate to tell you Bob, Moore is 10 times the adversary that YOU are. The
record on you is absolute.There is a little wiggle room for Moore.
Pangborn deserves the dogged, decades-long exposure and opposition from his
huge number of online detractors, of which one may be named "Moore". I don't
waste my time with Pangborn, unless he emerges from his kennel and barks
at me. No doubt "Moore" will be pleased at Pangborn's admission quoted
above, regarding "Moore's" persistence and apparent credibility.
He is MORE credible than you Bob. But then so is a tree slug. That's no
high praise. Moore has not yet been CONVICTED of being a liar, YOU HAVE!
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
Once again, Pangborn would be well advised to seek a lesser adversary than
Bob there are NO lesser adversaries than YOU.. You'd better come to grips
with that FUGITIVE!
Bob Hirschfeld, JD
2004-06-04 18:42:24 UTC
Post by krp
No Bob, I support its use by QUALIFIED experts and NOT on children.
Remember YOU tried to use a Socxial Worker as an EXPERT for you. The people
I work with all have a Ph.D. or an MD. Yep I do support its use when used by
QUALIFIED experts and is used appropriately within medical guidelines.
There IS NO legitimate use for use of the Penile Plethysmograph other than
original purpose: to determine whether nerve connection exist in paraplegics
their lower body, including the penis. There are NO QUALIFIED EXPERTS
on the ersatz use regarding sexual interest resolution, "which type of
explicit photograph produces a larger microscopic erection." PPG is still
scientifically accepted evidence, notwithstanding the flummery of you and
you alleged "experts".
Post by krp
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
Pangborn's favorite PPG apparatus was prohibited for such minors in
Arizona by the
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
Appellate Courts, the legislature, and public opinion, because of my legal
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
representing one of the PPG victims and his mother. The entire $2
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
Phoenix Memorial Hospital "Sexuality and Addiction" program for Juveniles
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
primarily inflicted PPG upon such juvenile boys, was closed within several
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
of the public exposure of the scientifically worthless practice. Pangborn
made part of his income in those days
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
by kickbacks from an East Coast fraudulent PPG practitioner, to whom
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
referred fathers accused of molestation to "prove" that they had no sexual
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
in minors. Typical Pangborn Fraud.
WHO would that "EAST COAST fraudulent practitioner" be?
Got a NAME for us Bobby?
I'm sure you know who he is. You've made a lot of fraudulent money
by referring your clients to him.
Post by krp
Let's get something straight, the "program" you refer to was a
rogue operation devised by a UNQUALIFIED social worker. The guy should have
been neutered for what hee did in his CRACKPOT "averseion therapy? program,
or at least sent to prison for sexual abuse of the boys in his little
"experiment." That ANY medical device can be ABUSED, Bob is NO secret. Say
Bob, we STILL use the PPG quite effectively. But as ALWAYS Bob, you believe
yourself to be this GREAT EXPERT on nearly everything. But this is a case of
you not knowing what you don't know. Your ignorance level on this subject is
Nonsense. I am an expert litigator in some disciplines, and certainly the
which supported my successful legal prohibition of PPG in AZ entitles
me to some substantial credibility. Use of the PPG for distinguishing
between types of sexual interest, or any establishment of existence of
sexual interest, are charlatanism.
Post by krp
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
I do not seek respect from Pangborn, who destroyed his own credibility
decades ago.
I have FAR more than YOU Bob!
Now that's REALLY hilarious, Pangborn.
Post by krp
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
Post by krp
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
Obviously, you cannot joust with me publicly without immediately attracting
the hordes of your own enemies. You would be well advised to seek a lesser
adversary than me.
Hate to tell you Bob, Moore is 10 times the adversary that YOU
are. The
Post by krp
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
Post by krp
record on you is absolute.There is a little wiggle room for Moore.
Pangborn deserves the dogged, decades-long exposure and opposition from his
huge number of online detractors, of which one may be named "Moore". I don't
waste my time with Pangborn, unless he emerges from his kennel and barks
at me. No doubt "Moore" will be pleased at Pangborn's admission quoted
above, regarding "Moore's" persistence and apparent credibility.
He is MORE credible than you Bob. But then so is a tree slug. That's no
high praise. Moore has not yet been CONVICTED of being a liar, YOU HAVE!
The disbarment was a politically driven civil, not criminal action. There
was no "conviction."
Post by krp
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
Once again, Pangborn would be well advised to seek a lesser adversary than
Bob there are NO lesser adversaries than YOU.. You'd better come to grips
with that FUGITIVE!
I travel freely within the United States, as I did twice in the past month
and a half.
Your claim above that I have the status of "fugitive" is another example of
actionable libels. Beware of your future liability. I don't hide from you, I
the right to file an action near Pinellas Park on my next annual visit to
or in a valid forum more convenient to me.

You may avoid such consequence by absolutely
abandoning the thread between us, and concentrating on your very real
adversaries whom you above claim are more effective against you than I.

Now, before your knee hits your jaw, or your finger hits the keyboard,

Bob Hirschfeld, JD
2004-06-05 01:09:40 UTC
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
There IS NO legitimate use for use of the Penile Plethysmograph other than
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
original purpose: to determine whether nerve connection exist in
paraplegics to
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
their lower body, including the penis. There are NO QUALIFIED EXPERTS
on the ersatz use regarding sexual interest resolution, "which type of
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
explicit photograph produces a larger microscopic erection." PPG is still
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
scientifically accepted evidence, notwithstanding the flummery of you and
you alleged "experts".
Hirschfeld you remain suffering compound ingorance. You don't even know
what you don't know. The PPG .... HAS been accepted under the Frye standards
in several states. I think 19 at this point. YOU chave never seen one, have
ZERO idea how they operate. And the PPG is NOW accepted within Psychology
and Psychiatry. I won't argue with an ASS weho has ZERO concept of the state
of science. Hell, Bob, I don't think you can even SPELL science. Your claims
to the contrary date back to your HUGE VICTORY in the 80's. Don't let me
break this to you Bobby, know what a CD is? How about a DVD? Technology has
m,oved a liuttle bit since the STONE AGE that YOU live in in your mountain
HIDEaway in Meeeehhhheeeeco Bob! The research in the PPG is SOLID and
accaptance EVEN IN ARIZONA you TWERP is established as well..
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
Post by krp
WHO would that "EAST COAST fraudulent practitioner" be?
Got a NAME for us Bobby?
I'm sure you know who he is. You've made a lot of fraudulent money
by referring your clients to him.
Ah so you have NO such NAME Bob., Thought so! Just More Hirschfeld
BULLSHIT one more LIE from a professional CONVICTED liar! Just one more
claim you have MADE UP!
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
Nonsense. I am an expert litigator in some disciplines, and certainly the
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
which supported my successful legal prohibition of PPG in AZ entitles
me to some substantial credibility. Use of the PPG for distinguishing
between types of sexual interest, or any establishment of existence of
sexual interest, are charlatanism.
You are an expert at NOTHING Hirshfeld except making fraudulent claims.
The problem with the PPG in Arizona was that it was being used by a person
TOTALLY UNQUALIFIED to use it. A social worker with ZERO training on its
use, and using it on a child to satisfy his own twisted sexual interests.
But that was the 1980's bob. This IS, in case you have failed to notice, the
year 2004. Lots has changed, including weeding out the social workers and
high school drop out cops using the PPG inappropriately There is now a
professional organization that has set standards for the administration of
PPG evaluations, but you ALWAYS have proceeded with fragmentary knowledge
and made WILD and UNTRUE claims, which is what cost you your law license.
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
Post by krp
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
I do not seek respect from Pangborn, who destroyed his own credibility
decades ago.
I have FAR more than YOU Bob!
Now that's REALLY hilarious, Pangborn.
I still HAVE my licenses Bobby. I was NEVER convicted of being a LIAR
Bob, YOU have been more than once!
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
Post by krp
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
Once again, Pangborn would be well advised to seek a lesser adversary
than me.
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
Post by krp
Bob there are NO lesser adversaries than YOU.. You'd better come to grips
with that FUGITIVE!
I travel freely within the United States, as I did twice in the past month
and a half.
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
Your claim above that I have the status of "fugitive" is another example
of your
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
actionable libels. Beware of your future liability. I don't hide from you,
I reserve
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
the right to file an action near Pinellas Park on my next annual visit to
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
or in a valid forum more convenient to me.
Bob you are welcome to do that, you'll find that if you did, it would
wind up being a suppository you'd have difficulty removing. I didn't say you
were a fugitive from the law, but we both know that you have some former
clients who have threatened to beat you into a bloody pulp. I don't see you
standing up to THEM Bob!
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
You may avoid such consequence by absolutely
abandoning the thread between us, and concentrating on your very real
adversaries whom you above claim are more effective against you than I.
Hirschfeld YOU have tried your pathetic blackmail threats on me in the
past. I will answer you today the same way I answered you in 1982... "SCREW
YOU HIRSCHFELD.... GO FOR IT!" Just remember Bob.......... RULE 11! I will
cram that SO FAR up your pipe that you will speak like a sopranno for the
rest of your life, GOT IT? The TRUTH is an ABSOLUTE defense. Go scare some
children Bob!
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
Now, before your knee hits your jaw, or your finger hits the keyboard,
2004-06-04 19:41:08 UTC
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
Post by krp
Hirschfeld what YOU understand about the PPG could be placed on the
Post by krp
molecule of the point of a pin and have spare room left over!
Ah yes, Pangborn still supports the use of a tumescence measuring penis
ring, the
Penile Plethysmograph, on pre-pubescent boys held by juvenile courts in a
environment, to support the sick sexual imaginings of certain judges,
hospital employees,
"Child Protective" agents.
Pangborn's favorite PPG apparatus was prohibited for such minors in Arizona
by the
Appellate Courts, the legislature, and public opinion, because of my legal
representing one of the PPG victims and his mother. The entire $2
Phoenix Memorial Hospital "Sexuality and Addiction" program for Juveniles
primarily inflicted PPG upon such juvenile boys, was closed within several
of the public exposure of the scientifically worthless practice.
Pangborn made part of his income in those days
by kickbacks from an East Coast fraudulent PPG practitioner, to whom
referred fathers accused of molestation to "prove" that they had no sexual
in minors. Typical Pangborn Fraud.
Post by krp
I would never
say you have never done anything positive Bob, but your exaggerations and
misrepresentations about yourself, coupled with your ENTIRELY ego centric
behavior that has been so destrive within the movement, does not earn you
ANY respect at all.
I do not seek respect from Pangborn, who destroyed his own credibility
decades ago.
I'm amazed that anyone would seriously consider allowing Ken to represent
them. The fact that he was once a member of NOW is a huge red flag.
Failing that, just type his name into any search engine on the internet.
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
Post by krp
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
Obviously, you cannot joust with me publicly without immediately
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
the hordes of your own enemies. You would be well advised to seek a
Post by krp
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
adversary than me.
Hate to tell you Bob, Moore is 10 times the adversary that YOU are.
Post by krp
record on you is absolute.There is a little wiggle room for Moore.
Pangborn deserves the dogged, decades-long exposure and opposition from his
huge number of online detractors, of which one may be named "Moore".
Actually according to Ken, there are at least two. There is me and then
there is some guy named "David Dennis Moore" whom he keeps ranting about.
Of course, yesterday Ken was actually alleging that HIS name is David
Dennis Moore. Go figure....
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
I don't
waste my time with Pangborn, unless he emerges from his kennel and barks
at me. No doubt "Moore" will be pleased at Pangborn's admission quoted
above, regarding "Moore's" persistence and apparent credibility.
Actually I'm not even online all that much, except to occasionally point
people to http://www.aboutkenpangborn.com. I was recently away from the
newsgroups for several months, but that didn't stop Ken from mentioning my
name in 70% of his posts during that time. The man is obviously infatuated
with me.
2004-06-05 01:32:32 UTC
Post by Bob Hirschfeld, JD
(Pangborn's defamatory lies deleted)
If you look carefully, Mr. Pangborn, you will find that NOWHERE in these
recent threads did I INITIATE reference to Kenneth R. Pangborn.
You are hereby challenged to accurately quote any INITIAL reference
by me to you. I have successfully resisted
writing anything publicly about you for decades. The problem, Mr.
Pangborn, is that so many smelly shoes fit you, that you take them
personally even when made for the feet of someone else.
Now that you have drawn your own personal enemies
to this thread, along with their promotion of their own websites aimed at
your deflation, I wish you luck. Unlike the "Sux" character, your physical
whereabouts and long defamatory history are generally in the public
record. This is your chance to cease your newly-lit incendiaries against
By the way, I have had no beard for some time, have never spent any time
in Mexican Mountains, (I reside as close to sea level in my beach home, as
you reside in Florida), and the history of my ancient battles
against the crooks of the AZ bench and bar, are public information of
which I am proud. I have no apology or the
judicial lies upon which my disbarment was procured.. Your accounts of
long-ago late-night
conversations with me are the type of imaginitive dishonesty for which you
are famous. Your veiled nonsense about my having only one false-abuse
victory is easily refuted by my multiple, important, successful
false-accusation cases for which
histories or written judicial documents have for years been published in
the Internet.
On the other hand, of my judicial enemies who put their fabrications about
me in the public record, the worst of the judges in Arizona died of lung
cancer before I could publicize his personal history of alcoholism and
beating his children, and
the Chief Justice of the AZ Supreme Court who wrote the lies in his
disbarment opinion regarding me, has apparently "retired" in disgrace,
before I published the record of his punishment for dishonesty while he
was still in law school.
Unlike you, Mr. Pangborn, I have had a solid, ten year history as a
practicing fathers' rights attorney, of which I am proud. Over a
thousand children retained their relationships with their fathers, because
of my decade's work. I am responsible for
changing certain parts of Arizona's domestic relations and juvenile laws,
all on the public record. I stopped Arizona CPS' cross-ethnic adoption
prohibition. I stopped misuse of the Penile Plethymograph in Arizona
(a testing procedure apparenly advocated by you). I protected a young
father from judicial overruling of his fifth amendment rights. In two
cases, I obtained sole custody for fathers when the mother(s) had
physically sexually molested small children in their attempt(s) to secure
custody for themselves. I am certainly not perfect,
but your yowling cannot take from me these and many
other real achievements in my ten years as an Attorney.
Obviously, you cannot joust with me publicly without immediately
attracting the hordes of your own enemies. You would be well advised to
seek a lesser adversary than me.
Best Regards,
Bob Hirschfeld, JD
PO Box 696, Lukeville AZ 85341
MX Tel: 011 52 638 382 0214
pangborn is scum

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